Initial Setup of Disk Station Manager
After hardware setup is finished, please install Synology’s DiskStation Manager (DSM). Synology’s DiskStation
Manager (DSM) is a browser-based operating system which provides tools to access and manage your ioSafe. When
installation is complete, you will be able to log into DSM and start enjoying all the features of your ioSafe powered by
Synology. To get started, please see the steps below.
Before beginning the installation process below, make sure that the 216 is connected to your router/switch with
the network cable and that the power cord plugged in and the 216 is powered on.
Connecting to the ioSafe using Web Assistant
Your ioSafe comes equipped with a built-in tool called Web Assistant that helps you download the latest version of
DSM from the internet and install it on your ioSafe. Before installing DSM with Web Assistant, please check the
Your computer and your ioSafe must be connected to the same local network.
In order to download the latest version of DSM, Internet access must be available during installation.
After confirming, please follow the steps below:
Power on your ioSafe.
Open a web browser on your computer connected to the same network as the ioSafe.
Enter either of the following into the address bar of your browser:
Web Assistant is optimized for Chrome and Firefox web browsers.
Web Assistant will be launched in your web browser. It will search for and find the DiskStation within the local
network. The status of the DiskStation should be
Not installed