3.2. The LCD Screen
The 8402 HC consists of a large 4-line LCD screen, which displays all the information as shown
in Figure 2. The user interface is simple and easy to learn.
Figure 2. 8402G HC LCD Information Screen
1. Target Name: display the name of the
target that telescope is currently point
Park Position: A default position when
the mount is turned on,
, the
telescope is point to zenith (altitude is
90º) and the mount is facing south
(azimuth is 180º);
An object name, such as “Mercury” or
“Andromeda Galaxy”: Name of the
celestial object or land target that is
currently slewing, gotoing, observing or
2. GPS Status: when the power is turned
on, it shows “GPS ON”, which means a
GPS receiver is connected. When the
GPS receiver finds the satellite and
receives GPS signal, it shows “GPS
OK”. The “GPS OK” may turn off after
few minutes.
3. Slew speed: It has 5 speeds: 2X, 8X,
64X, 256X(1º/sec), MAX(4º/sec). Press
SPEED key to change it.
4. Tracking speed: display current
operation mode of the mount
Land: the mount is operating at a land
Cel., Sol. or Lun.: the mount is tracking
an celestial object at Sidereal, Solar or
Lunar speed.
5. Altitude of the telescope (zenith is 90º).
6. Azimuth of the telescope (north is 0º,
east 90º, south 180º, and west 270º).
7. Local Date and Time: display local time
in a format of YYYY-MM-DD
N/S Hemisphere: display the
observation hemisphere.
GPS Status
Slew Speed
Target Name
Right Ascension
Local Date and Time
Target R.A.
Target DEC.
Tracking Speed
N/S Hemisphere