FoodWasteTracker, measurement device and tablet
Ceruus Oy, ioLiving
1 (4)
Waste Scale with touch screen
ioLiving Waste Scale with touch screen is designed for
monitoring the food waste in professional kitchens and
contract catering companies. There are two different scale
models available: maximum load of 35 kg or 150 kg. The
scale is operated with the included Android tablet.
size 350*350*40 mm
max. load 35 kg
repeatability ±10 g
size 600*600*40 mm
max. load 150 kg
repeatability ±50 g
The purpose of the contents of this manual is to guide the user of the device. The products it describes are subject to change without prior notice, due to
the manufacturer’s continuous development program. ioLiving Inc./Ceruus Inc. makes no representations or warranties wit
h respect to this manual.
ioLiving Inc./Ceruus Inc. shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs, or expenses, direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential, or special, arising out of,
or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.