Scale digital 500gr/0.1gr
Please read the following operation information to ensure the proper function of your new scale.
How to weigh
1) Press the “ON/ZERO” key. All display segments will appear for approximately 2 seconds before
resetting to 0.
2) Press the “UNIT” key to select the units (gr, lb, oz or lb+oz).
3) Place item slowly on the platform and the weight will show on the display.
4) Remove the item, and press the “ON/ZERO” key to turn the scale off.
How to use the “Tare” feature
This feature allows you to obtain the exact weight of an item in a container, by subtracting the weight
of the container.
1) Place the container, without the item, slowly on the platform.
2) Press the “ON/ZERO” key. The weight of the container will be removed and the display will reset to
3) Slowly add the item to the container. The display will show the weight of the item only.
4) You may continue to determine the weight of each additional item as they are added by repeating
steps 2 & 3.
How to clear the “Tare” feature
1) Remove all items from the platform.
2) Press the “ON/ZERO” key.
How to use the counting feature
This feature allows you to have the scale count a large quantity of the same item, based on the weight
of a sample quantity.
1) Turn the scale on. Wait for 2 seconds till ZERO shows on the display
2) Place a sample quantity of 10, 20 or 50 pcs on the platform
3) Press the “PCS” key to activate the counting mode
4) Press and hold the “PCS” key for 3 sec. until the sample quantity flashes. Immediately press the
“PCS” key again if you need to
change the sample quantity
5) Wait 3 seconds and press the “PCS” key to confirm the sample quantity. CAL will show on the
display briefly
6) Place your total quantity on the platform. The display will show the total quantity.
7) To return to weighing mode, remove your items from the platform and press the “UNIT” key
Hold feature
to weigh oversized items that block the display
After placing an item on the scale, a beep sound is heard when the weight is stable. You can now
remove the item, and the weight will show on the display for 5 seconds.
Do not place overweight items on the scale
Weighing items over the maximum weight capacity will cause an overload “O-Ld” error to display.
Immediately remove overweight items to avoid causing damage to your scale.
Korspelsesteenweg 86 • B-3581 Beverlo - Belgium
Tel. +32-(0)11-40.14.08 • Fax. +32-(0)11-34.73.59
[email protected] • www.brouwland.com
013.102.9 Scale digital 500gr/0.1gr
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