Model : IW-RS424-07 Hybrid EXP-
BP (COBRA) User’s Manual
PAGE 22 OF 22
Useful Console Commands
To list the usage of the CLI commands
Show/Set the current
date [ set <newdate(*)> ]
Reset the expander
reset [watchdog]
Display phy info.
phyinfox [ -i [(1 .. NumBpc] ] | -s
-i : show phy info of BPC expander
-s : show SES Array Device info of CSE BRC
(bridge console only)
Configuration update
fdl 1 0 y
Download and Update MFG configuration.
(feed it with 'MFG image file')
Firmware Update
Fdl 0 0 y
Download and update firmware
Display info for all phys
phyinfo [help|edfb|power|cable]
- no arguments displays default output
- 'help' displays detailed help information
- 'edfb' subcommand displays EDFB info
- 'power' subcommand displays power mgmt info
- 'up' filters to display connected phys only
- 'cable' subcommand displays cable mgmt info
- <PhyNum> is a valid phy index and filters the
output to display info about that phy
Display or reset all phy
counters [config|event|reset]
- no arguments displays phy error counters and
generic broadcast counters
- 'config' subcommand displays phy event
- 'event' subcommand displays phy event
- 'reset' subcommand resets all phy counters
Display expander
sasaddr [-d]
SAS address
('-d': also show virtural ports address)
Show POST info
Show MFG revision
Show firmware revision