There are 2 sizes of binding
- Size S for shoe with a length between 275 and 298 mm (mondopoint 22,5 to 26 - for Sco� shoes from 22,5 to 25,5 (mondopoint)),
- Size L for shoe with a length between 305 and 336 mm (mondopoint 26,5 to 31 - for Sco� shoes from 26 to 31 (mondopoint))
You have to check that
- shoes are conform to NTN norms (New Telemark Norm)and with Low Tech insert,
- the release regula�on corresponds to the weight and skill level of skier,
- screws or inserts are compa�ble with the skis on which the bindings will be assembled.
Most skis on the market have a reinforced plate for a be�er anchoring of the bindings. Follow the recommenda�ons of the Ski
manufacturer before drilling.
- The dimensions of the drill to be used and the depth of piercing are marked on the ski.
- Be sure to verify the marks on the 2 skis before drilling.
- Be sure to protect the soles of the skis before beginning.
NB: INWILD can not be held responsible in the event of incorrect assembly.
Set of tools
To assemble the MEIDJO bindings you will need the following tools :
1 Jig from INWILD or 1 drilling pa�ern from INWILD
- 1 drill 3,6 mm X 9
1 wood tap 5,5 mm
1 screwdriver PZ N°3
1 tube of binding ski glue
Content of the box
- 2 bindings (including heel set)
- 4 supplementary springs
- 12 screws 18 mm
- 14 screws 11,5 mm
- 2 ASP (An�-Snow Pack)
- 2 an�-ice
- 2 touring base plate
- 1 Allen wrench 3mm
- 2 drilling pa�ern
- moun�ng instruc�ons and opera�ng instruc�ons
Tool :
To set the releasable system you must use a 3 mm
allen key.
How to do :
- Place the allen key into the le� red knob
- Turn clockwise to decrease the tension
- Turn An� clockwise to increase the tension
Se�ng :
Align the border of the black part between the 1 and the 4th se�ng line.
On this photo the setting is on level 2.
Indica�on of level :
Warning these indica�on are for informa�on – there is not norm for telemark.
- Level 1 : for woman = 3 to 4 DIN
- Level 2 : 5 to 6 DIN
- Level 3 : 8 to 9 DIN
- Level 4 : 10 to 12 DIN (very - very hard to release for compe�tor)
NB : in case you use a printed drilling pa�ern, check with a ruler
that the length line of 200 mm is correct.
- Read the instruc�on of the drilling pa�ern
- Check on your shoe the size of the shell in mm
- Mark on your ski the middle center of the ski and longitudinal line
(on a paper scotch for example)
- Cut the drilling pa�ern as shown - Part A and B
- Mark the line corresponding to the size of your shell
- Place Part A of the drilling pa�ern in such a way that the line of
marking (value of the length of your shoe) is placed on the mid
center line of the ski
- Take care to align the longitudinal lines
drilling pa�ern B superimposed on the two lines of the center of
the ski and the line of the shoe size
1 -
DRILLING THE SKIS (with INWILD drilling pattern)
Warning : the drilling is different for size S and size L in size L, the drilling of Meidjo 2.1 is different from Meidjo 2.0
- Place part B of drilling pa�ern B superposing the mid center line
and the mark of the size of your shell.
- Verifica�on of the good posi�oning of the drilling pa�ern
- Control of the shoe size - place the shoe onto the pa�ern the
front and the back of the shoe has to match with the indica�on.
B : Follow carefully the ski manufacturer's
recommenda�ons for the dimension of the drill.
INWILD recommend a 3.6 Ø drill to get the best
thread reten�on based on the minor diameter of
the screw.
Always check the right posi�oning of the drill
pa�ern before to drill :
- drill the 13 holes
- tap the 13 holes with the wood tap
- clean, carrefully, the holes
NB : a good prepara�on, clean, will ensure a be�er maintenance of the
Be sure to remove any dust or shards from the drilled hole.
It is important to use clean screws, without any chunks of material
embedded from a previous mount. A screw with smooth threads ensures
proper thread cu�ng when you turn the screw in.
It is also important to apply adequate downward pressure when star�ng the
screw so the threads cut immediately and don't spin and grind away the first
engagement. Tapping the holes first is never a bad prac�ce regardless of
metal or not.
We recommend using epoxy glue for Meidjo
mounts. Epoxy (bi-component) with slow seizure
(2h) can increase your overall maximum pullout
strength, but most importantly acts as a buffer to
decrease screw-loosening possibili�es.
We also recommend the use of Snoli wood glue.
- Gluing allows a be�er screwage and avoids in one
case that the binding becomes unscrewed, and in
another case this prevents water from penetra�ng
into the ski. It is preferable to use fixa�on glue, and
on no account rubber glues.
- Apply the glue in small quan��es inside of the
Take the pieces to be screwed, put a li�le glue on the screw and screw with a
screwdriver un�l the pieces are well fixed on the ski. When the binding is fixed in
place, make a 1/8 turn on each screw.
NB : If you are using a screwing machine regulate it on 3Nm maximum and
always finish by last wrench by hand. We recommend hand �ghtening each
screw (1/8 turn) with a TLD-enabled hand posi-driver, making sure that each
screw goes directly and perpendicularly in and then doing a final torque spec
twist on each screw.
- Don’t re-use old screws that have crap plug in the threads. When you screw
that into a new ski you are cutting crappy threads into the core and compromi-
sing strength.
- If you need to grind screws for some reason (e.g., the ski is thinner than the
screw design provided), be extremely careful not to leave any burrs—these will
mess with the thread cutting of the ski core.
- Don’t reverse bend the ski when applying drilling pressure. Support it from
beneath so that the screw hole is perpendicular to the ski. Even a small amount
of flex will change the angle and you'll lose full pullout strength potential.
- Don't grind out your initial hole threads by carelessly spinning the screw
without downward applied force
If you want to increase the power of your binding you
can add the second spring.
The second spring has to be slide in the bigger one
(black one). Steps :
- unscrew the 2 red knobs and remove the 2 black
- slide the small stainless steel spring inside each black
Adjust the spring tension and the safety release system.
Align the white mark of the red knob with the numbered line
or the desired se�ng from 1 to 5. Always stay between level 1
and level 5.
Prepara�on of the Jig :
- Unlock the two black knobs
- Put the front of the shoe in the points
- Adjust the plates at the shoe size.
- Lock the 2 black knobs
- Remove the shoe from the jig
Warning : the drilling is different for size S and size L in size L, the drilling of Meidjo 2.1 is different from Meidjo 2.0
Placing the Jig onto the ski :
- Open the blocking-jaws by turning the handles
- Place the jig so that shoe center line is aligned with the ski center
mark or at the customer’s convenience
Adjust to level 1
(white mark and number 1
Adjust to level 5
(white mark and number 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
1 - Unscrew the 2 red knobs and
remove the 2 springs (black one)
2 - Remove the spring box
5 - Fix the touring plate with the
2 screws. Use a PZ N°3
10 - Remount the spring box by
sliding simultaneously the spring
lever and the flextor.
11 - Remount the 2 springs
7 - Remove the ASP plate then place
the low-tech plate and the base
plate with 4 screws (
2x11,5mm et
NB: if you have ski brakes, put them
at this step
9 - Place the low-tech with
screws. Use a PZ N°3 screwdriver.
4 - Glut the an�-ice onto the holes of
the base plate and touring plate
6- Place and fixe the heel set with
3 screws. Use a PZ N°3
12 - Last, screw the 2 red knobs.
middle of the ski marked by a longitudinal
and transverse line
marking line the length of the
shoe aligned with the lines of
the center of the ski
8 - Put the 4 screws of the ASP plate
Quar�er Baume de Marron
13124 Peypin - FRANCE
+33 (0)9 54 86 73 94