08000 96 12 96
Do not carry passengers.
Do not exceed inclines over 8 degrees (14%).
Do not turn on steep inclines.
Do not turn suddenly at full speed.
Do not get on or
the scooter unless the brake is on and the scooter is switched off.
Do not switch off the scooter when moving in drive.
Do not use the scooter where you cannot safely or legally walk. Consider yourself as a
motorized pedestrian and abide by the rules and regulations of the 1988 road traffic act.
Do not attempt to climb kerbs over
cms (2-3”) in height. Approach kerbs at an angle
of 90 degrees at a low speed.
Do not reverse the scooter unless the speed setting is reduced.
Do not drink and drive, or use a mobile phone when driving your scooter.
Do not exceed the user weight limit of 110kg (250lb/l8st).
Do not use the scooter if fitted with a canopy in high wind conditions
above 61 kph (38 mph).
Always keep your feet on the scooter when moving.
Consult your doctor if there is any doubt about your ability to use a scooter.
Always proceed carefully when traveling over rough or uneven ground.
Invamed are not responsible for damage or injury incurred
due to improper or misuse of their scooters.
Tiller Angle Adjustment
(Fig. 2)
On the left hand side at the base of
the tiller is a red lever. Push the lever
in to release the pin and select the
required tiller angle. Refit the pin into
one of the five location holes.