Torque sequence and specification MUST be adhered to or possible damage to the 4-way
valve could result.
15. Tighten mounting screws in the sequence described below (Detail “B”).
16. Pre-torque the mounting screws to 10 ± 2 inch-lbs using the torque sequence.
17. The mounting screws can be now be torqued to 22 ± 2 inch-lbs in the same sequence.
18. Connect spade connectors located on the side of the 4 -way valve assembly.
19. Position the 4-way valve/manifold assembly in the base of the concentrator on the
foam block in the orientation noted in STEP 9.
20. Slide the vinyl tubes onto each side of the manifold/valve assembly.
21. Using a hose clamp tool, secure the vinyl tubes to the 4-way valve/manifold assembly
with the clamps.
22. Install the “F” tube into the 4-way valve/manifold assembly.
23. Secure the “F” tube to the 4 way valve/manifold assembly with two tie wraps.
24. Install the manifold exhaust tube into the “F” tube.
25. Secure the manifold exhaust tube to the “F” tube with a tie wrap.