Open-Q™ 820 (APQ8096) / 820Pro (APQ8096SG) µSOM Development Kit User Guide Version 1.4
Copyright Intrinsyc Technologies Corporation
Supports I2C or SPI via BLSP12
Can chose between I2C or SPI signals in SW U9 via BLSP12
Power specifications
The display connector supports the following power domains:
Display Signal
Power Domain
PM8996 LDO22 (3.3-2.8V)
up to 150 mA
PM8996 LDO14 (1.8V- 2.15V)
up to 150 mA
PM8996 LDO15(1.8V – 2.15V)
up to 300 mA
PM8996 S4A (1.8V)
up to 300 mA
Carrier 3.3V
up to 0.5A
Carrier 5 V
up to 1.5A
Carrier 12 V
up to 0.5A
The Intrinsyc Display Adapter is an additional PCB that mates with the display connector J2
on the carrier board. This board allows users to interface with the development kit via the
LCD that comes preinstalled on the display board. The following figure illustrates the
interfacing connectors on the display board.
The display board comes as an additional add-on to the Open-Q 820 / 820Pro µSOM
development kit. To purchase this, please visit
Please refer to “Intrinsyc Open-Q 820 (APQ8096) Development Kit Technical Note 15:
Display Board Design Guide” for more information on designing a custom display board.