RAD-Star User’s Guide
© 2015-2016 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.
Version 1.2 - June 1, 2016
If the illuminated link LED does not change after swapping devices, then it is likely that
both devices are configured as master or both are set as slaves.
The latter of these two possibilities is atypical; in particular, it should not be possible if the two
devices connected to the RAD-Star were originally connected to each other. However, this
could happen if two independent ECUs are connected to the RAD-Star’s BroadR-Reach ports.
Data Sent by Automotive Ethernet Device(s) Not Received by PC
Check the link/activity LEDs for the BroadR-Reach ports on the RAD-Star. If they are lit solid
and not flashing, data is not being received by the RAD-Star. Double-check the attached
device(s) to ensure that transmissions are indeed occurring and that the BroadR-Reach cable
is functional.
If the link/activity LEDs light up, this means the RAD-Star is receiving data from the BroadR-
Reach device. Check the activity LED of the associated conventional Ethernet port (
) to see if the RAD-Star is retransmitting copies of the
received frames correctly. If the
conventional Ethernet LED is not flashing,
then there is a problem with the link to your PC or Ethernet switch. Try a different cable, switch
or Ethernet port.
If the attached devices and cables seem to be correct, the issue may be with the RAD-Star
itself; please contact Intrepid for assistance.
Data Sent by PC Not Received by Automotive Ethernet Device(s)
Start by checking the activity LEDs of the PC Ethernet port, the RAD-Star conventional
Ethernet port(s), and the switch ports used by all Ethernet cables connected to the Ethernet
switch (if used). All of these should flicker as data is transmitted. If any are not flashing:
Check the relevant cables and cable connections.
Try different Ethernet cables.
Try different ports on the Ethernet switch.
Try a different Ethernet switch.
If any of these fix the problem, you likely have a issue with a cable or other hardware.
If the conventional Ethernet activity LEDs on the RAD-Star are flashing, check to see if their
matching BroadR-Reach link/activity LEDs are also flashing:
if the
port is
being used, and
if the
port is active. If these LEDs aren’t flashing, there is a
problem with the link to the Automotive Ethernet devices:
Check the cabling going to the BroadR-Reach devices.
Ensure that the devices are correctly configured to receive transmissions.