This evaluation board is a preliminary version meant for the engineering evaluation of the IR3898.
Based on the results of the continuing evaluation, this board can evolve and change without notice
Figure 22: Stencil Pad Spacing (all dimensions in mm)
Stencils for PQFN can be used with thicknesses of 0.100-0.250mm (0.004-0.010"). Stencils thinner than
0.100mm are unsuitable because they deposit insufficient solder paste to make good solder joints with the
ground pad; high reductions sometimes create similar problems. Stencils in the range of 0.125mm-0.200mm
(0.005-0.008"), with suitable reductions, give the best results.
Evaluations have shown that the best overall
performance is achieved using the stencil design shown in following figure. This design is for
a stencil thickness of 0.127mm (0.005").The reduction should be adjusted for stencils of other thicknesses.