InterMotive Inc.
13395 New Airport Rd.
Auburn, CA 95602
Phone: (530)-823-1048
Fax: (530)-823-1516
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An ISO 9001:2008 Registered Company
Programmable Relay Power Center
See PRPC Programming Utility software for latest list of supported vehicles
2009-2014 Ford E-Series and F-Series
Contact Intermotive for additional applications
The Programmable Relay Power Center provides access to a broad
range of vehicle data such as MPH, RPM, Park Brake, Service Brake,
temperatures, transmission range, accelerator pedal, doors, lights,
door locks, ABS, MIL, etc. Specific data is vehicle dependent, and by
running the PRPC Programming Utility software (free download from
www.intermotive.net), available information on a particular chassis can easily be determined.
The PRPC provides 8 configurable relay outputs, eight configurable low current outputs
(1/2A Max), and six configurable beepers. The Programmer allows logical combinations
(AND, OR, =, >, <) of various vehicle data to control an output. For example, one output can be
programmed to go active when ECT>230 OR TFT>250 AND RPM>300 (any numeric values can
be used). This could drive a high temperature dash indicator. Another output could be
programmed to drive a warning buzzer/lamp when the vehicle speed exceeds some limit, such as
70mph. Electric doors can be disabled unless certain safety conditions are met and so on. There
are also ten general purpose inputs, one analog input, and one dedicated ignition input that can
be used as part of the programmable logic.
PRPC Programming Ulity Instrucons
(Used for configuring the programmable outputs, beepers and inputs)
Java Runtime Environment (v1.7.0 or later) must be installed on your computer prior to running
this utility. Most PC’s already have Java installed. The most recent version can be obtained for
free at http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp.
The PRPC Programming Utility. This is a free Intermotive software program that will need to
be loaded on your PC. The files are available from the download page at
www.intermotive.net. It is recommended that an “InterMotive” folder be created to store the
USB to Serial cable (part# s-h37a1) is included in the a-IPU kit and is a one-time purchase.
This kit is required for all programming and is recommended to be kept in a central location.
Once PRPC Programming Utility has been run and the specific configuration has been created, it
can be downloaded onto the PRPC501-A module(s) with the Programming Utility.