1336 Sherman Dr., Ste. C
Longmont, CO 80501-6174
Phone: (303) 772-1901
Fax: (303) 772-8534
ESU Factory Decoder Equipped Locomotives -
Default DCC Address for All Locomotives: 3
Decoder Reset: CV8 = 8
Thank you for your purchase of an InterMountain Railway Company locomotive. This guide will direct you
through basic operational and decoder functions, shell removal instructions, and maintenance tasks. Should you
have any questions that are not answered in this guide please feel free to contact InterMountain service and support
at the contact information listed above. All HO scale locomotives are factory equipped with an ESU decoder.
Sound locomotives have a LokSound Select decoder and non-sound locomotives have a LokPilot decoder.
Sound On / Sound Off (F8 Function Key):
Sound Equipped Locomotive Only-
Upon placing your locomotive on the track, you will not hear any sound.
You must press the F8 function
key in order to get the locomotive's prime mover started.
The LokSound Select
allows the F8 function
key to create a more realistic operating experience and is not simply a “mute” button. This is done so that
both the start-up and shut down sequences can be heard without any CV changes. This also reduces the
power-up drain on your DCC system’s power booster. The F8 function key operation can be changed to
allow track power to start the prime mover by setting CV32 to 2 FIRST, and then CV387 to 32. A
prototype locomotive’s horn and bell can still be operated with the prime mover shut-down as long as
enough air is available. The LokSound Select decoder operates in just this way!
Locomotive Start-Up Delay:
Sound Equipped Locomotive Only-
Prototype locomotives do not move until the locomotive has been fully started, air pressure built and the
prime mover has settled into idle. Just like the prototype, when you first place your new locomotive on the
track and press F8 to start it up, the locomotive start-up sounds are heard. The locomotive will not be able
to move during the start-up sequence. Once the sounds settle to idle and the throttle is increased, the
locomotive begins to move only after the prime mover has reached notch one. Although this behavior is
very prototypical, it may not be preferred. This start-up delay can be removed by simply changing CV 124
to a value of 0. This will cause the locomotive to start moving immediately when the throttle is increased
during the locomotive start-up sounds.
Operational and Decoder Functions:
Sound Equipped Locomotive Only-
With your Digital Command Control (DCC) System you have the option of multiple horns, prime movers,
bells, and brake squeals. All are changeable with CV48. No booster is needed! Each individual sound has
a separate volume control, and up to 8 different sounds can be played at one time! Not only that, but as
new sounds become available and firmware gets updated, you can at any time, hook up to the ESU
LokProgrammer and update your decoder! Along with outstanding sound, ALL LokSound decoders give
you the benefit of the industry leading ESU Motor Control. You’ll see the difference instantly as the
engine smoothly accelerates across your railroad! You also have the option to use one of MANY lighting
effects on any one of the 6 function outputs!
Extended Addressing:
Most DCC Systems give you the option to enter a 4 Digit Extended (long) Address. Please refer to your
DCC System's manual for guidance as to how to do this. If your DCC System does not have this feature a
full list of values and instructions are available on-line at
HO F Unit Locomotive Insert V2.3.odt