Section 4.2 Adding Salt
Page 9
Determine how much salt is needed from the Salinity Demand Table on the following page.
This table is based on a salt concentration of 3500 ppm (approximately 1/3 of 1%). More may
be added for larger pools (e.g. 4000 ppm) and less for very small bodies of water.
Keep the pump on to circulate the water.
Distribute the determined amount of salt evenly around the pool. To avoid clogging the filter
or damaging the Control Box and pump, do not add salt through the skimmer or surge tank.
Brushing the bottom helps dissolve the salt.
The readout on the chlorine generator may fluctuate until the salt is fully dissolved.
Section 4.3 Acceptable & Unacceptable Salts
The best salt is an evaporated,
granulated, food quality salt.
Water softener salt pellets may be
used but will take longer to dissolve.
“99.9%” pure salt.
“Solar” salt.
Iodized salt.
Salts with anti-caking agents (i.e.
yellow prussiate of soda or sodium
ferrocyanide) because they have iron
and will yellow the fittings.
Rock salt because of the dirt mixed
with the rock salt.
Calcium chloride; it is not a salt.
Use only sodium chloride.