1. First, ensure you have connected an external GPS antenna to the eSAM. An antenna is provided with the
eSAM Kit.
Note that GPS signals operate at a lower frequency than 4G or Wi-Fi Signals, and so are more susceptible to
being blocked by obstacles, such as metal roofs or metal enclosures. Where possible use an antenna external
to your enclosure.
2. Connect to the eSAM Web GUI. By default, this can be done by opening your web browser and enter
. When the GUI opens, enter your username and password to log in.
3. Open the Application>GPS window
Enable the GPS Application, if it is not enabled already.
4. The eSAM is designed to interface with a TCP or UDP Server. GPS data is sent straight from the embedded
GPS Modem, encapsulated in a TCP or UDP header using whichever port you set here.
This guide will describe how to confirm that the eSAM GPS Feature is functioning, but will not explain how to
configure a server to display this information