S T E P 1 4
You are almost ready to go riding. Now is a good time
to check over your bike to make sure that everything
looks correct – all packaging is removed, bolts are all
tightened to the correct torques, etc. Most importantly
you need to check that both the front and rear brakes
are working properly. After your first ride check over
your bike again, making sure that all bolts are secure.
After that follow the Maintenance Schedule on page 54.
As you get to know your bike you may want to
make some small personal adjustments – rolling
your bars forward or backward a little, position your
brake levers at a slightly different angle, adjust your
suspension, experiment with tire pressure or slide
your saddle backward or forward. This is all perfectly
normal, just making small tweaks here and there to
really personalize your bike so that it is right for you.