13 - FeeDbaCk : PiTCh
Displays the pitch shift and detune amounts for the left and right feedback
channels. When this display page is first entered, the Pitch L parameter is highlighted, and turning the rotary
encoder will change
the Pitch L and Pitch R values. Pressing the button again will highlight the Pitch R
parameter. Turning the rotary encoder will then change only the Pitch R value. Pressing the button again will
highlight the Detune L parameter, and turning the rotary encoder will change
the Detune L and Detune R
parameters. Pressing the button again will highlight the Detune R parameter, and turning the rotary encoder
will change only the Detune R parameter. Pressing the button once more will bring the display back to the
initial case, where the Pitch L parameter is highlighted.
14 - grooVe : TyPe
Displays the GROOVE type and the GROOVE amount. Turning the rotary encoder
changes the groove type. A groove is a set of relative timings for the 16 rhythm delay taps. The simplest
groove is the “Straight” groove, in which the taps are evenly spaced in time. In the “Swing” groove the time
interval between taps alternate between one-third of a beat and two-thirds of a beat. There are 16 different
groove types available, as listed in the following table. The timings shown in the table are approximate - the
actual timings have a higher resolution.
Groove Type
groove Timing Pattern
hard swing
reverse swing
alternate swing
waltz Time
half swing
Roller Coaster
15 - grooVe : amT
Displays the groove amount. A groove amount of 0 gives the default “Straight” groove
pattern, where the tap delay times are equally spaced. A groove amount of 100 gives the selected Groove
type pattern. Groove amounts between 0 and 100 provide a blending of the Straight and selected Groove type
patterns. This is useful, for example, when adjusting the amount of “Swing”, when the Groove type is set to
“Swing”. Turning the rotary encoder changes the groove amount. Pressing down on the rotary encoder while
turning it increases the encoder step size to speed up the entry.
16 - WeT/Dry
Displays whether the Reverse effect is on or off, and the internal rhythm delay
wet/dry mix. When this display page is first entered, the Reverse mode is highlighted and turning the rotary
encoder clockwise turns the Reverse effect ON, while turning it counter-clockwise turns the effect OFF. When
Reverse is turned ON, the input buffer is played back in reverse through the rhythm delay line for a time equal
to the feedback tap time. At the end of this time the playback jumps to the current time and starts playing
backwards again. See the diagram on the next page for a depiction of the reverse mode’s opreation. The
reverse mode can also be turned on or off with the TRIGGER button or TRIG signal (see the description of the
TRIGGER action later in the manual).
When the REVERSE-WET/DRY button is pressed again, the Wet/Dry mix will be highlighted. Turning the rotary
encoder will change the Wet/Dry value. The Wet/Dry mix adjusts the mixing of the input and the output of
the rhythm delay line. This is useful, for example, when the module is configured to have the rhythm delay
follow the comb resonator. The effect of the internal rhythm delay wet/dry mixer is distinct from that of
the global Wet/Dry mix control located on the module’s front panel. That control adjusts the mixing of the
module’s overall input (from the two jacks INL and INR located on the lower left had part of the panel) and
the module’s overall output.
Groove Type
groove Timing Pattern
Quintuple Time
uniform random1
Uniform Random2
Uniform Random3
early reflection
late reflection