MB/TS25 PC211 UPGRADE Battery Charger
Operators Manual
E 1
Charge or Capacity test time up completed. Indicates
that either a charge or capacity test has completed its
allotted time.
E 2
Capacity test voltage end point reached. Indicated that
the battery voltage has reached the voltage end point
and the capacity test has stopped.
E 3
Constant Current charge voltage set point met.
Indicates that the battery voltage has reached the
voltage set point.
E 4
Constant current additional time mode voltage set point
not reached with 24 hours. In this mode the unit will not
allow a constant charge to be permitted for more that
24Hrs, it is possible that the battery undergoing charge
has the wrong data set or has developed an internal
E 5
Error in voltage calibration data input. When the voltage
data is input to the unit it check to ensure that the
calibration scale factor falls within specified boundaries
to prevent inadvertently entered wrong values being
used. If this error is received repeatedly when
calibrating it also indicates that the unit has a
malfunction and requires service.
E 6
Error in current calibration data input. When the current
data is input to the unit it check to ensure that the
calibration scale factor falls within specified boundaries
to prevent inadvertently entered wrong values being
used. If this error is received repeatedly when
calibrating it also indicates that the unit has a
malfunction and requires service.
E 7
Voltage imbalance in ONE mode. When running in ONE
mode the unit checks the difference in voltage between
channel A and channel B. If this condition is met it
means that one channel has not been connected or that
calibration needs to be checked.
E 8
Library item recalled needs ONE mode and a charge or
test is being performed. When a library item has been
selected which required ONE mode this condition will be
displayed if either channel A or channel B is currently
Doc: DWG1006-34-R3 TS25 PC211 Upgrade Operators manual.odtPage 23 of 44
Copyright Material of Intelligent Charging Limited © 2015
Printed On : 02/09/15