ZT 5515 Compute Processor Board Technical Product Specification
System BIOS
Page number of first block of Flash drive, if flash is paged. See
Notes 3 & 10.
1. These flags are defined. All unused bits are reserved.
Bit 0: 1 = STD Product
Bit 1: 1 = CPCI Product
Bit 2: 1 = CPCI CompactNET System
Bit 3: 1 = Current Table is contained in a BootBlock(A BIOS with a BootBlock may have 2 tables – one
in the BootBlock with this bit set, and another in the main BIOS image with this bit cleared.)
Bit 4: 1 = AMI BIOS (added ver. 1.02)
2. The 6 byte BIOS network ID is for CompactNET multiprocessing, NOT for the on-board Ethernet.
3. This is page number only, NOT the output value for the I/O port. See Note 5 on how to select a page.
4. The algorithm is defined as follows. All unused bits are reserved.
1 = Intel flash
2 = AMD* flash
3 = Sharp* flash
4 = Atmel* flash
5 = Intel Firmware Hub (FWH) flash (added ver. 1.01)
6 = Intel StrataFlash™ (added ver. 1.01)
5. It is important to remember that the actual method used for write protecting the flash varies, not only
between paging mechanisms, but between different boards with the same paging mechanism. Write
protection may consist of asserting the write protect signal to the flash device, disabling the programming
voltage, or simply disabling all write cycles to the device. Because of this, write protection may or may
not disable “read-only” flash commands such as Identify. Block locking should be enabled for those flash
devices that support it.
For all current mechanisms, the flash drive grows downward below the BIOS and other related areas. If
an OS image is programmed, it starts from the bottom of the flash and grows upward.
The mechanisms are defined as follows:
Mechanism 1:
Flash is paged. The majority of the BIOS resides at the top of the flash, in page 15 (0x0f) of flash device
0, although it may extend down into other pages. This top page is selected by port 0x78 values of 0xf0
through 0xf3 (binary 111100xx).
Any OS image starts at page 0 of flash device 0, or page 0 of flash device 1 if there are two flash devices
on board.
I/O port 0x78 is defined as follows:
Bits 4 - 7:Page Number
Bits 2 - 3:Flash Device
Bit 1:0 = Flash write disabled, 1= Flash write enable.
Bit 0:Varies; should always be written back with the same value that was read.
Mechanism 2:
The BIOS starts in page 0 and may grow into subsequent pages. The flash OS, if loaded, starts in the
highest numbered page and grows into lower number pages as necessary.
The I/O port 0x78 is defined as followed:
Bit 7:0 = Flash write disabled, 1= Flash write enable.
Bits 3 – 0:Page number
Mechanism 3:
Flash is not paged.
I/O port 0xe4 is defined as follows:
Bit 5: 0 = flash write disabled, 1= flash write enable.
Other Bits:Reserved; should always be written back with the same value that was read
6. The version numbers are changed when one or more elements are added to the structure. The offsets to
the existing elements will always remain the same. All new elements are appended to the existing
elements and must be naturally aligned.
7. The checksumPad is used when a BIOS image is changed. The 8-bit checksum of the whole image has
to be recalculated. The sum of all the bytes in an image should always equal zero.
8. The NetworkIDPad is used when a BIOS network ID is programmed into an image. The 8-bit checksum
of the six bytes of network ID plus the NetworkIDPad should always equal zero.
9. All 32-bit address fields indicate the absolute physical address of the beginning of the given area. For
mechanisms that use paging, the address is only valid when the corresponding page has been selected.
Any given area may be large enough that it extends past the flash page where it starts. In such a case, it
is the responsibility of the programmer to calculate the additional page(s) that will need to be selected, as
well as the offsets into the page(s).
Table 17. Detailed Structure Element Descriptions
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