User Guide | Intel® Enpirion® Power Solutions
EM2130 Evaluation Board User Guide
5) Set the output voltage
Using the chart from the silkscreen, please select the desired output voltage, using ONLY
ONE switch ON. This setting will be read by the module when the part is powered on or
by PMBus command; changing the resistor on the fly will not have any effect.
6) Power-up the board
After all preparations above, the board should be ready to perform. If the GUI interface
dongle is not used, the jumper J6 should be moved to the “ON” position; else the jumper
J6 should be in the “BUS” position.
The voltage range (High/Low) is marked on the board, as shown in
Figure 2: “L” and “H” Jumper Table, Marked On The EM2130 Evaluation Board Silk Screen
For instruction on how to use the EM2130 GUI, please read “GUI User Guide.”
To measure the Bode Plot of the DC-DC converter, R12 must be replaced with 50Ω resistor across which to inject the
signal, while TP18, TP20, TP8 and TP21 should be used to connect the probes of the phase analyzer.