Intel Desktop Board D2550DC2 Product Guide
Graphics Support
Integrated Graphics Subsystem
The I nt el GMA 3650 int egrat ed graphics subsyst em feat ur es t he follow ing:
640 MHz core frequency
High qualit y t ext ure engine
DX10.1c* and OpenGL* 3.0 com pliant
Hardw ar e Pixel Shader 4.1
Vert ex Shader Model 4.1
Blu- ray* 2.0
J.264 and VC1 hardw ar e decoder
PAVP 1.1c
HDCP 1.3
Digit al Visual I nt erface ( DVI )
High-Definition Multimedia Interface* (HDMI*)
The Deskt op Board support s st andard, enhanced, or high- definit ion video, plus HD
m ult i- channel digit al audio on a single cable via a back panel HDMI port . The
m axim um support ed r esolut ion is 1920 x 1080 at a 60 Hz r efresh rat e. The HDMI port
is com pliant wit h t he HDMI 1.3 specificat ion.
Digital Visual Interface
The Deskt op Board support s Digit al Visual I nt erface ( DVI ) displays w it h a DVI - D back
panel port .
The DVI - D port support s only digit al DVI displays. The m axim um support ed r esolut ion
is 1920 x 1200 at a 60 Hz r efresh r at e. The DVI - D port is com pliant wit h t he DVI 1.0
specificat ion.
External Graphics
I nt el Deskt op Board D2550DC2 support s ext er nal graphics cards via t he PCI bus
connect or ( see Figure 1, Q) .