The Intel Compute Stick turns on automatically when you apply power.
Turn off the Intel Compute Stick using the normal shutdown process for Windows*.
Subsequent power-ups are done just by pressing the power button on the side of the Intel
Compute Stick.
The Intel Compute Stick is designed to use up to 10W of power. USB ports on televisions
or monitors do not supply enough power for the Intel Compute Stick.
If you try to use a USB port on the television to power the Intel Compute Stick, here are
the likely symptoms:
It doesn't turn on.
It turns on but doesn't boot.
It turns on, but the operating system doesn't load.
It turns on and the operating system loads, but it performs very slowly, reboots, or
locks up.
Use the USB 3.0 Port
Use the USB 3.0 port to:
Install software from a CD or DVD in a USB optical drive.