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Gas Transmitter
User Manual - AT-1193
Page 06
5.2 Calibration
Manual calibration is only possible if the transmitter is equipped with the push-button “Zero” and
the potentiometer “Gain” (= version for manual calibration).
5.2.1 Zero-point
Connect digital voltmeter to pin “Test”.
Connect calibration adapter carefully to the sensor element.
Apply synthetic air (150 ml/min; 1 Bar (14.5 psi) ± 10%), or Chlorine (Cl
)-free ambient air.
Wait 2 minutes until the signal is stable, push button “Zero” for 5 seconds.
After successful calibration the measuring signal is corrected automatically. Depending on
the selected signal starting point the measuring signal shows the following values:
Signal start at 2 V or 4 mA
40 mV = 0 ppm
Signal start at 0 V or 0 mA
0 mV = 0 ppm
If the zero-point is out of the admissible range (> 20 mV at starting point 0% / > 60 mV at
starting point 20%) before calibration, there is no correction of the measuring signal. The
sensor has to be replaced.
Remove calibration adapter carefully by turning lightly. Check the sensor for correct mounting
5.3.2 Gain
Connect digital voltmeter to pin “Test”.
Connect calibration adapter carefully to the sensor element.
Apply calibration test gas Cl
(150 ml/min; 1 Bar (14.5 psi) ± 10%).
Wait three minutes until the signal is stable, adjust control voltage with potentiometer ”Gain” until
the signal corresponds to the calculated value ± 2 mV, see “5.3.3 Calculation of Control Voltage”.
Remove calibration adapter with a careful light turn. Check the sensor for correct mounting
By limiting the gain factor, calibration will not be possible any more when the sensitivity of the
sensor reaches a residual sensitivity of 30 %. Then the sensor has to be replaced.
5.3.3 Calculation of Control Voltage
Signal start 2 V / 4 mA
Control voltage (mV)
160 (mV) x test gas concentration Cl
(ppm) + 40 (mV)
measuring range Cl
Signal start 0 V / 0 mA
Control voltage (mV)
200 (mV) x test gas concentration Cl
measuring range Cl
Measuring range
20 ppm
Test gas concentration
10 ppm Cl
Control voltage: Signal start 2 V / 4 mA
120 mV
Control voltage: Signal start 0 V / 0 mA
100 mV
Signal start 2 V / 4 mA
Signal start 0 V / 0 mA
160 (mV) x 10 (ppm) + 40 (mV) = 120 mV
200 (mV) x 10 (ppm) = 100
mV 20 (ppm)
20 (ppm)
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| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
AT-1193 – UserManual
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12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.IN
| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
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is a registered trademark of MSR-Electronic GmbH | GAADT531193_E_1011
INTEC Controls | 12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.INTEC | inteccontrols.com
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AT-1193 V3 – UserManual