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Gas Transmitter
User Manual - AT-1193
Page 03
Electrochemical Chlorine Transmitter
1 Intended Use
The PolyGard
Cl analog/digital gas transmitter AT-1193 with digital processing of the measuring values and
temperature compensation is used for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of
Chlorine gas. Main application ranges are waterworks, sewage plants, swimming pools etc.
The intended sites are all areas being directly connected to the public low voltage supply, e.g.
residential, commercial and industrial ranges as well as small enterprises (according to EN50 082).
The PolyGard
analog/digital transmitter must not be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
The transmitter must only be employed in areas within the environmental conditions as specified in the
Technical Data.
2 Functional Description
2.1 Control Mode
The analog output can be selected as current signal with (0)4-20 mA or as voltage signal (0)2-10 V. In the 4-
20 mA mode and without any supplementary options, the
also works in the 2-wire technique.
2.2 Sensor
The sensor portion of the transmitter is a sealed electro-chemical cell with three electrodes, sensing,
counter and reference. The ambient air to be monitored diffuses through a membrane filter into the liquid
electrolyte of the sensor. The chemical process of the measurement is one of reduction where one
molecule of the target gas is exchanged for one molecule of oxygen. The reaction drives the oxygen
molecule to the counter electrode, generating a DC microampere signal between the sensing and
reference electrodes. This signal is linear to the volume concentration of the sensed gas. The signal is
evaluated by the connected amplifier and transformed into a linear output signal.
Electrochemical processes always lead by and by to a loss of sensitivity. Therefore regular calibration of
zero- point and gain is obligatory. See also section 6.
There is a small quantity of corrosive liquid in the sensor element. If in case of damage persons or
objects touch the liquid, you have to clean the affected areas as fast and carefully as possible with tap
water. Out of use sensors must be disposed in the same way as batteries.
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| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
AT-1193 – UserManual
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12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.IN
| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
AT-1193 – UserManual
is a registered trademark of MSR-Electronic GmbH | GAADT531193_E_1011
INTEC Controls | 12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.INTEC | inteccontrols.com
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AT-1193 V3 – UserManual