InStyler Techniques -
Volume Boost
To give your hair a boost of even more
dramatic volume, you can try a technique
called, “On Base Styling”
To begin, wrap a section of hair around
the barrel down to the root.
Place the InStyler barrel directly over the
root, close the unit and let the barrel
rotate for a few seconds. (see illustration)
Open the InStyler and let the hair fall
from the barrel. (see illustration)
loosen newly styled sections
with fingers or comb until the hair is
completely cool to the touch. This
technique can be used anywhere
you want an extra volume boost.
InStyler Rotating Iron
InStyler Techniques -
To create extra body and volume using the InStyler:
With the InStyler barrel facing towards the back of the head, close the InStyler onto the
section of hair, and slowly pull the InStyler in the opposite direction that you want your hair
to fall. In other words, at the crown of your head, grab a section of hair with the InStyler
and slowly pull the unit forward towards your forehead.
boost the volume on the sides and back of the head
, gather a section of hair and
push the InStyler upwards towards the crown of your head. Gently pull the InStyler through
the ends of the section of hair. This technique gives extra body in the root area making
hair look fuller. This technique can be used anywhere you need extra body, volume
or height.
additional height in your
wrap the fringe
with the barrel towards
your scalp and let the
InStyler rotate for a few
seconds directly over the
root. Open the unit and
let your fringe gently fall
from the barrel.
For more tips, tricks and videos visit,