background image

IN 2207

Návod k použití ROTOPED TULSA


SEVEN SPORT s. r. o., Dělnická 957, 749 01 Vítkov

tel/fax: +420 556 770 191, email: 





pre Slovensko: inSPORTline s.r.o., Bratislavská 36, 911 05 Trenčín

tel: +

 421 32 6526704, email: 

[email protected]


Summary of Contents for IN 2207

Page 1: ...N SERVIS ZAJI UJE SEVEN SPORT s r o D lnick 957 749 01 V tkov www insportline cz tel fax 420 556 770 191 email servis insportline cz pre Slovensko inSPORTline s r o Bratislavsk 36 911 05 Tren n tel 42...

Page 2: ...ou li it od tohoto obr zku a podl haj zm n m bez p edchoz ho upozorn n OBSAH Bezpe nostn instrukce Provozn instrukce provoz po ta e Seznam st Seznam sou stek P ehledn n kres Mont n instrukce Pr vodce...

Page 3: o jinou dr bu nebo pravu kter nen pops na v tomto manu lu P i jak chkoli pot ch p esta te v robek pou vat a obra te se na autorizovan servis 6 Nepou vejte za zen ve venkovn ch prostorech 7 Toto za...

Page 4: sedlov ty e ozna en maxim ln hloubky vlo en nesm b t vy ne okraj obj mky Sezen P i cvi en se posa te na sed tko dot hn te pros m emeny ped l a dr e se rukama id tek upravte polohu v z vislosti na...

Page 5: ...i en puls Zm kn te tla tko MODE dokud ipka neuk e na PULSE a pot dr te ob ruce na senzorech a rukojet ch obrazovka zobraz v sou asn srde n tep a symbol srdce Abyste zajistili p esn v stup dr te pros m...

Page 6: ...66x78 1 046 roub M6x10 1 015 roubek ST2 9x10 2 047 roub M5x10 4 016 Krou ek 1 048 Kulat gumov 2 017 Obj mka osy 7 8 1 049 Zakon en id tek 25 2 018 Matice 7 8 1 050 P novky id tek 30x 24x460 2 019 emen...

Page 7: ...SEZNAM SOU STEK 7 V ce funk n n ad se roubov kem S13 S14 S15 1 ks Imbusov kl 6mm 1ks 34 Klobou kov matice M10 2ks 35 roub M10x57 2ks 36 Podlo ka s velk m ohybem 10 2ks Multi funk n n ad 1ks...

Page 8: ...P EHLEDN N KRES 8...

Page 9: ...prav ped l 20 21 a klika 19 jsou ozna eny L a R lev a prav 2 Namontujte sed tko a ty sedla Odstra te t i M8 pojistn matice 42 a 8 podlo ky 38 ze spodn strany sed tka 27 Pot p ipevn te sed tko 27 na tr...

Page 10: zku A sch matu slo 3 T hn te kabel odporu knofl ku pro kontrolu nap t 7 nahoru a dejte ho do mezery kovov skoby kabelu nap t 60 jak je uk z no na obr zku B sch matu slo 3 P ipevn te knofl k kontrol...

Page 11: ...abiliz tor nebo zakon en na n m nebyly vyrovn ny b hem nastaven 1 Odstra te objekt 2 Nastavte zakon en zadn ho stabiliz toru Ty id tek nebo sedla se t ese rouby nebo knofl k ty e sedla je povolen Dot...

Page 12: ...eba za t ka d cvi en rozcvi kou a p ipravit tak va e t lo na nam hav cvi en pomoc zah n a prota en va ich sval zv se v ob h a srde n pulz a dod v se v ce kysl ku do va ich sval VYCHLADNUT na konci cv...

Page 13: ...d vodu rovnov hy o ze s hn te za sebe a t hn te va e prav chodidlo nahoru Sna te se dostat va i patu co nejbl e va im h d m Napo tejte do 15 a opakujte pro druhou nohu PROTA EN VNIT N STRANY STEHEN S...

Page 14: ...OTA EN ACHILLOVKY Op ete se o ze s levou nohou p ed pravou a va ima rukama proti zdi Dr te va i pravou nohu rovn a levou nohu na zemi Pot pokr te levou nohu a op ete se dop edu boky pohybujte sm rem k...

Page 15: ...u 7 Skladujte rotoped v dy na such m a tepl m m st UPOZORN N Rotoped mus b t um st n na rovn a pevn podlo ce Spr vn vyv en lze nastavit pooto en m plastov ch krytek na konc ch stabiliza n ch ty P ed k...

Page 16: ...Datum prodeje Raz tko a podpis prodejce V robce SEVEN SPORT s r o D lnick 957 749 01 V tkov www insportline cz info insportline cz 1...

Page 17: ...IN 2207 ROTOPED TULSA Z RU N A POZ RU N SERVIS ZAIS UJE inSPORTline s r o Bratislavsk 36 911 05 Tren n tel 421 32 6526704 email insportline reklamacie stonline sk...

Page 18: ...jednotliv asti m u by odli n bez obozn menia ZOZNAM OBSAHU Bezpe nostn In trukcie Obslu n In trukcie In trukcie Po ta a Zoznam s iastok Zoznam spojovacieho materi lu V kres In trukcie pre mont Pr ru k...

Page 19: ...or by sa mohlo zachyti do ast zariadenia nezabudnite na pritiahnutie ped lov ch p sov 5 Nevykon vajte iadnu dr bu alebo doplnky na zariaden ktor nie s pop san v tomto n vode V pr pade ak chko vek prob...

Page 20: sedadlo posu te do poz cie ktor v m vyhovuje Uzamknite sedadlo v nastavanej poz cii pritiahnut m gomb ka v smere hodinov ch ru i iek POZN MKA Pri nastavovan v ky sedadla je maxim lna vn torn h bka...

Page 21: KAL RIE CAL po ta zobraz celkov sp len kal rie po as v ho cvi enia PULZ PULSE Stla te MODE tla idlo pokia ukazovate nezobraz PULZ PULSE a potom podr te obe ruky na senzoroch ktor s umiestnen na ruk...

Page 22: ...Prav kryt 540x366x78 1 046 Skrutka M6x10 1 015 Skrutka ST2 9x10 2 047 Skrutka M5x10 4 016 Kr ok 1 048 Okr hla gumen krytka 2 017 Puzdro osi 7 8 1 049 Koncovka rukov te 25 2 018 Matica 7 8 1 050 Penov...

Page 23: ...ZOZNAM SPOJOVACIEHO MATERI LU Multi n stroj s Phillips robov kom S13 S14 S15 1 ks k 6mm 1 ks 34 Matica M10 2 ks 35 SrutkaM10x5 7 2 ks 36 Ve k podlo ka 10 2 ks Multi n stroj 1 ks...

Page 24: ...V KRES...

Page 25: ...hodinov ch ru i iek POZN MKA av a prav ped la 20 21 a k uky 19 s ozna en s L R L av R prav 2 In tal cia vank a sedadla a poz cia sedadla Vyberte tri M8 matice 42 a 8 podlo ky 38 zo spodku vank a sedad...

Page 26: ...ik 60 tak ako je zobrazen na v krese A poz cia 3 Potiahnite k bel kontroln ho gomb ka 7 hore a zatla te ho do medzery kovov ho dr iaka k bla 60 ako je zobrazen na v krese B poz cia 3 Pripojte gomb k...

Page 27: ...abiliz tora nie s spr vne vyrovnan po as nastavenia 1 Odstr te predmety 2 Nastavte koncovky zadn ho stabiliz tora Rukov alebo ty sedadla sa natriasa Skrutky alebo gomb k nastavenia sedadla s uvo nen U...

Page 28: s as ou ka dej va ej cvi iacej rutiny ZAHRIEVACIE CVI ENIE je d le it s as cvi ebn ho programu Malo by za na ka d cvi enie aby pripravilo va e telo pre viac nam hav cvi enie t m e si zahrejete sva...

Page 29: ...oprite o stenu natiahnite sa za seba a potiahnite prav chodidlo smerom hore Pritiahnite op tok bl zko zadnej asti tak ako je to najviac mo n Podr te na 15 odr tavan zopakujte s avou nohou NAP NANIE VN...

Page 30: ...enu s avou nohou pred pravou a va im ramenami smeruj cimi ku stene Podr te prav nohu napnut a av nohu na podlahe potom pokr te av nohu a naklo te sa smerom dopredu pohybom va ich bokov smerom ku stene...

Page 31: 1 Na rotoped sa poskytuje kupuj cemu z ru n doba 24 mesiacov odo d a predaja 2 V dobe z ruky bud odstr nen v etky poruchy v robku sp soben v robnou z vadou alebo vadn m materi lom v robku tak aby s...

Page 32: ......

Page 33: ...IN 2207 TULSA SZOBAKER KP R A SZERVIZT S AZ ALKATR SZEKET AZ ELAD BIZTOS TJA Insportline Hungary kft Kossuth Lajos utca 65 2500 Esztergom tel fax 36 06 33 313242 mobil 0670 2118227 www insportline hu...

Page 34: ...ezze el Az edz shez megfelel lt z ket v lasszon A b ruh k viselete nem aj nlott A torn hoz megfelel cip t v lasszon mely stabilan tartja l b t s bok j t Gyermekeket soha ne hagyjon fel gyelet n lk l a...

Page 35: ...tekerje el a gombot a m sik ir nyba 3 Stabiliz l be ll t sa Abban az esetben ha a g p alatti talaj egyenletlen a stabiliz l n tal lhat llv nnyal k sz b lje ki a k l nbs geket 4 Nyereg ll t sa Be ll t...

Page 36: ...aktu lis sebess ge CAL CALORIES Nyomja meg a MODE gombot annyiszor m g nem jelenik meg a CAL felirat a kijelz n megjelenik az edz s ideje alatt el getett kal ri k mennyis ge PULSE NYomja meg a MODE g...

Page 37: ...2 014 Right Cover 540x366x78 1 046 Bolt M6x10 1 015 Screw ST2 9x10 2 047 Bolt M5x10 4 016 Ring 1 048 Round Rubber Cover 2 017 Axle Sleeve 7 8 1 049 Handlebar End Cap 25 2 018 Nut 7 8 1 050 Handlebar...

Page 38: ...Szerel shez mell kelt alkatr szek s szersz mok Csavarkulcs S13 S14 S15 1 PC csavarkulcs 6mm 1 PC 34 anya M10 2 PCS 35 csavarM10x5 7 2 PCS 36 al t t 10 2 PCS csavarkulcs1 PC...

Page 39: ...R szletes rajz...

Page 40: ...9 Megjegyz s A ped lok jelz se 20 21 L R bal s jobb 2 Nyereg s nyeregr d szerel se Vegye ki az M8 any kat 42 s 8 al t teket 38 a nyereg alj b l 27 Szerelje fel a nyerget a 27 nyeregr dra 25 M8 any val...

Page 41: ...R gz tse a terhel s k belt 7 s r gz tse azt a tart ba a B figure 3 k p szerint Csatlakoztassa a terhel s be ll t gombot 7 a korm nyr dhoz 3 M5x25 csavarral 57 s 5 nagy al t ttel 62 melyeket m r el z l...

Page 42: ...zerel s k zben megfelel en be ll tva 1 T vol tsa el a t rgyat 2 ll tsa be a stabiliz l kat megfelel en A korm ny vagy a nyereg mozog A stabiliz l csavarok nincsenek kell en beh zva H zza be a laza csa...

Page 43: ...g k ne tartani Az izmokat csak addig ny jtsa am g a f jdalom elfogadhat Ha a gyakorlat nagyon f j laz tson Az oldals hasizmok ny jt sa Comb h ts r sze Comb els r sze Comb bels r sze V dli s Akhilleusz...

Page 44: ...g a terhel st Id nk nt szab lyozza a sebess get gy hogy megtartsa optim lis pulzus t S ly cs kken se Az alap faktor a meger ltet s Min l tov bb s kem nyebben fog edzeni ann l t bb kal ri t get el ugya...

Page 45: ...IN 2207 BICICLETA MAGNETICA TULSA ALAGEN S R L Etaj 4 apod 4 Judetul Hunedoara Aleea Panselutelor Bloc 30 Deva Tel 0354 882222 office insportline ro www insportline ro...

Page 46: ...tionat Compania isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica produsul fara a notifica acest lucru TABEL CONTINUT Instructiuni de siguranta Instructiui de operare Utilizarea computerului Componente Lista componen...

Page 47: ...ivelul de lucru dorit Nu intrerupeti antrenamentul brusc reduceti gradual pana cand ritmul cardiac va fi readus la normal 8 Nu faceti antrenament cu mai putin de doua ore dupa ce ati mancat si nici cu...

Page 48: ...pentru a ajusta pozitia bicicletei Rotiti butonul de ajustare a inaltimii scaunului invers acelor de ceasornic Fixati pozitia cea mai confortabila NOTE When adjusting the height of seat post the maxim...

Page 49: ...sati butonul MODE pana cand sageata indica functia CAL ecanul va afisa nr total ce calorii consummate in timpul antrenamentului PULSE Apasati butonul MODE pana cand sageata indica functia PULSE si men...

Page 50: ...pta 540x366x78 1 046 Surub M6x10 1 015 Surub ST2 9x10 2 047 Surub M5x10 4 016 Inel 1 048 Protectie de cauciuc rotunda 2 017 Manson ax 7 8 1 049 Dop maner 25 2 018 Piulita 7 8 1 050 Manson spuma maner...

Page 51: ...LISTA PIESE MONTAJ Surubelnita S13 S14 S15 1 buc inbus 6mm 1 buc 34 piulita M10 2 buc 35 surub M10x57 2 buc 36 saiba mare curbata 10 2 buc Cheie hex 1 buc...

Page 52: ...DESEN DETALIAT...

Page 53: sensul acelor de ceasornic NOTE Pedala stanga sic ea dreapta 20 21 si batele pedaliere 19 sunt marcate cu L R stanga si dreapta 2 Instalarea scaunului si suportului acestuia Scoateti cele 3 piulit...

Page 54: ...tul cablului de tensiune 7 in carligul arc a cablului celalalt 60 ca in figura A Atasati butonul de ajustare a tensiunii 7 la suportul manerului 3 cu surub M5x25 57 si o saiba mare curbata 5 62 care a...

Page 55: ...ajustare a inaltimii nu au fost reglate 1 Indepartati obiectul 2 Ajustati dopurile de pe stabilizatorul din spate Manerul sau saua se misca Suruburile sau butoanele de fixare sunt slabite Tighten the...

Page 56: ...nderilor musculare sau a altor accidente Faceti exercitii de incalzire de 2 5 min inainte de antrenament Exercitiile pot fi de tipul jogging sarituri sarituri cu coarda alergare pe loc s a m d Exercit...

Page 57: ...Intinderea bratelor si relaxarea umerilor Intinderea si flexarea genunchilor Intinderea Spatelui...

Page 58: ...Intinderi Intinderea picioarelor in spate cu un genunchi indoit Aplecari cu atingerea varfului picioarelor...

Page 59: ...IN 2207 ROTOPED TULSA...

Page 60: and are subject to change without notice TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Computer Operation Parts List Hardware Packing List Overview Drawing Assembly Instructions...

Page 61: ...straps Do not attempt any maintenance or adjustments other than those described in this manual Should any problems arise discontinue use and consult an Authorized Service Representative Do not use th...

Page 62: ...ightening the seat post knob in a clockwise direction NOTE When adjusting the height of seat post the maximum insert depth mark line cannot higher than the edge bushing Sitting pose sit on the seat cu...

Page 63: ...AL the computer will display the total accumulated calories burned during workout PULSE Press MODE button until the arrow points to PULSE and then hold both two hands on handlebar grip sensors the scr...

Page 64: ...Right Cover 540x366x78 1 046 Bolt M6x10 1 015 Screw ST2 9x10 2 047 Bolt M5x10 4 016 Ring 1 048 Round Rubber Cover 2 017 Axle Sleeve 7 8 1 049 Handlebar End Cap 25 2 018 Nut 7 8 1 050 Handlebar Foam G...

Page 65: ...HARDWARE PACKING LIST Multi Hex Tool with Phillips Screwdriver S13 S14 S15 1 PC Allen Wrench 6mm 1 PC 34 Cap Nut M10 2 PCS 35 Bolt M10x57 2 PCS 36 Big Curve Washer 10 2 PCS Multi Hex Tool 1 PC...


Page 67: ...Foot Pedals 20 21 and Crank 19 are marked with L R left and right 2 Install the Seat Cushion and Seat Post Remove three M8 Locknuts 42 and 8 Washers 38 from underneath of the Seat Cushion 27 Then atta...

Page 68: ...Handlebar Post 3 onto the tube of the Main Frame 1 and secure with four M8x15 Bolts 24 and 8 Curve Washers 37 that were removed Remove the M5x25 Bolt 57 and 5 Big Curve Washer 62 from the Tension Cont...

Page 69: ...p end of the Handlebar Post 3 Attach the Handlebar 2 onto the Handlebar Post 3 with two M8x15 Bolts 24 and 8 Curve Washers 37 that were removed Remove four M5x10 Bolts 47 from the Computer 10 Connect...

Page 70: ...caps on the rear stabilizer have not been leveled when adjusting 3 Remove the object 4 Adjust the rear stabilizer end caps Handlebar or seat post is shaking The bolts or seat post knob is loose Tighte...

Page 71: ...f your entire exercise routine The WARM UP is an important part of any workout It should begin every session to prepare your body for more strenuous exercise by heating up and stretching your muscles...

Page 72: ...ICEPS STRETCH With one hand against a wall for balance reach behind you and pull your right foot up Bring your heel as close to your buttocks as possible Hold for 15 counts and repeat with left foot I...

Page 73: ...against a wall with your left leg in front of the right and your arms forward Keep your right leg straight and the left foot on the floor then bend the left leg and lean forward by moving your hips t...
