Whether your goal is a nice figure, psychic well-being, or improvement in physical fitness, the stepper
is from the category of aerobic devices that you can enjoy not only because of its positive effects on
the cardiovascular and circulatory system.
The steppers simulate walking up the stairs in their essence. In addition, compared to walking up the
stairs, they do not burden the joints and are therefore more suitable for overweight people and people
with joint problems. As the body is free to move in space and upright, it is also suitable for people who
have back problems and who are not comfortable in the static position of the forward bend on the bike.
Stepper works by placing your feet on two moving platforms, adjusting specific functions, and then
simply transfer your body weight from one foot to the other. The basic features you can set for some
steppers include tracking the number of steps, total training time, consumed energy, distance traveled,
or heart rate. These simpler devices do not include hand holders and are more demanding in terms of
stability, but of course you can also get the holders they have.
The main muscle groups involved in the movement are femoral muscles (quadriceps and hamstrings),
buttocks as well as calves and some smaller stabilizing muscles. However, the involvement of each
group also depends on the movement you make on the stepper.
If your steps are deeper, you engage more quadriceps. Conversely, shorter steps involve sciatic
muscles, hamstrings and calves.
When practicing on most kinds of steppers, you can to some extent adjust the resistance and intensity
of the activity you perform to your performance level, goals, or type of aerobic training unit. Pay
attention to the correct, upright posture, and avoid kneeling in the sides or inwards
Stepper exercise is beneficial to your health, improves physical fitness, shapes muscles and, in
combination with a calorie-balanced diet, leads to weight loss.
The warm up phase
This stage helps get the blood flowing around the body and the muscles working properly. It will also
reduce the risk of cramp and muscle injury. It is advisable to do a few stretching exercises as shown
below. Each stretch should be held for approximately 30 seconds, do not force or jerk your muscles
into a stretch. If it hurts, STOP.
Touching your toes
Slowly bend your back from hips. Keep your back and arms relaxed
while stretching downwards to your toes. Do it as far as you are able
and hold the position for 15 seconds. Bend your knees slightly.
Upper thigh
Lean against a wall with one hand. Reach down and behind you. Lift
up your right or left foot to your buttock as high as possible. Keep for
30 seconds and repeat twice for each leg.
Hamstring stretched
Sit and outstretch your right leg. Rest the sole of your left foot against
the inside of your right tight. Stretch out your right arm along your right
leg as far as you can. Hold for 15 seconds and relax. Repeat all with
your left leg and left arm.
Inside upper thigh
Sit on the floor and place your feet together. Knees are pointed
outwards. Pull your feet as close as possible to your groin. Press your
knees carefully downwards. Keep this position for 30-40 seconds if