Insidevision Inc.|30 Saint Cloud Avenue | NEEDHAM
MA - 02492|[email protected]|www.Insidevision-us.com|781 799 2971
Let’s use it
Starting up and shutting down
Turning on the insideONE
To turn on the insideONE, press the Power button located on the top right side of the tablet for a few seconds.
insideOne boot-up options
The tablet boots up based on the default combination of the two available screen readers, JAWS and NVDA.
Use the Control icon on Windows to set startup preferences. Click on the Control icon to view three menu
options: Stop, Launch and Settings. Stop is used to shut down, restart or hibernate insideONE. Launch is used
to choose screen reading software preference. Settings is used to select audio and tactile preferences. To
enable or disable a screen reader, double-tap on the right slider or on the horizontal slider above the braille
display for an application you want to change and then select OK by swiping two fingers to the right on the
horizontal slider. Double-tap on the right slider or on the horizontal slider above the word OK to activate.
Only one screen reader can be enabled at a time.
During the boot process, you will see "initialization insideONE" message on the braille display with a cursor
moving rapidly back and forth, followed by the Windows desktop.
JAWS is licensed software. The preinstalled starter version lasts 90 days. If you wish to use JAWS beyond the
90-day period, you will have to purchase a license, or activate the product using a license you already have.
Shutting down insideONE Using the Windows Desktop
There are multiple ways to shut down the insideONE. When on the Windows desktop, you can bring up the
standard Windows shut down options from the start screen and select between restart, shutdown and
hibernate, or by using Alt+F4 in the Windows desktop. Remember to save your work before shutting down
Shutting down insideONE Using the Control icon on Windows desktop
Select Control and choose the Stop option. Then select Shutdown, Restart, or Hibernate.
If the insideONE is unresponsive, press the Power button for 15 seconds to force quit all applications and shut
down the insideONE. To restart it, press the Power button again.
Sleep Mode
To conserve battery and shorten the time it takes the insideONE to boot up, you can put it in sleep mode. In
this mode, resuming your work on the device is much faster than it is after completely shutting down.
Pressing the Power button briefly will put the insideONE in sleep mode. Using Windows sleep mode is a good
way to leave work up on your tablet if you know you are going to return to it in a relatively short period. A