Inseego SKYUS 100B Series User Manual Download Page 47



Backup and Restore Sub Tab

custom settings. You can also restore all settings to the factory default values.


in the

Skyus Admin Password


ThedefaultAdminpasswordisprintedonthebottomoftherouter.Ifyou havechangedtheAdmin









unlock it, restart the router.




configuration file contains all settings for the device, router and system functions. It does not contain
any modem settings or data.

Summary of Contents for SKYUS 100B Series


Page 2: ...d trademarks of Inseego Corp in the United States Document Number MKT 00073 Draft C Draft Updates Page Date B Updated Key Features section Updated Backup Battery wording Updated for Software changes B...

Page 3: ...Battery 14 Connecting Antennas 14 Mounting Precautionsand Guidelines 15 Positioning your Device 15 Mounting the Device 16 Mounting with Screws 16 Mounting withDouble Sided Tape 17 Powering the Device...

Page 4: ...GPS 31 Status Tab 31 Local Tab 33 Managing Settings 34 Wi Fi Hotspot Tab 34 Device Tab 37 Mobile Network Tab 49 Advanced Tab 54 Accessing Messages 55 Messages Page 55 Viewing Info About the Router 56...

Page 5: ...Applications 80 IPPT 81 IP Passthrough 81 Remote Management 82 Remote Server 82 Configuration 82 VPN 84 Auto Connect VPN 84 VPN Connection 84 VPN Settings 84 5Accessories 85 Included Accessories 86 O...

Page 6: ...RIESUSERGUIDE 6 Power 92 OS Support 92 Regulatory Information 93 Wireless Communications 95 Limited Warrantyand Liability 95 Safety Hazards 96 Installation andOperating Instructions 97 7Glossary 99 Gl...

Page 7: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 7 Introduction Overview Description Indicator LEDs...

Page 8: ...ConnectTM enables remotedevice fleet deploymentmanagement KeyFeatures LTE Cat 6 up to 300 Mbps Multi Carrier support aGNSS with active and passive GNSS antenna support Rugged design for continuous ope...

Page 9: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 9 Description FrontView BackView Bottom View The battery compartment SIM sockets and device labels are located on the bottom of the device photo needed...

Page 10: ...ignal Yellow Okay Signal Magenta Poor Signal Orange No SIM Inactive SIM Red Error Wi Fi Bluetooth Blue Bluetooth On Connected Clients Green Wi Fi On Connected Clients Blue and Green Both Bluetooth and...

Page 11: Started Installation Overview System Requirements Installing aSIM Card Installing the Battery Connecting Antennas MountingPrecautionsandGuidelines Mounting theDevice Powering the Device Connecting...

Page 12: ...Mounting Precautions and Guidelines MountingtheDevice Powering the Device Connecting yourDevice Connecting to the Web UI System Requirements TheSkyus100BSeriesrouterallowsyoutosetupanetworkandprovides...

Page 13: ...bottom of the device and if installed remove the battery 2 Slide the SIM socket retainer to the unlocked position and lift it 3 Insert the SIM card into the appropriate slot in the orientation shown...

Page 14: ...the device 2 Install or remove the battery NOTE The battery will only fit into the device in the correct orientation 3 Replace the battery door ConnectingAntennas Finger tighten the appropriate antenn...

Page 15: ...pinched Takecaretolocateandroutecordsandwirestominimizetheriskofdamagedcausedbyusers or other objects that are located near the device Avoiddroppingorshakingtheroutertoreducetheriskofdamagingthedevice...

Page 16: ...mmendedtobe completedbyaprofessional MountingwithScrews CAUTION Ifusingrigidmountinghardware applypressureonlyto the endsofthe device Limitthe mounting pressure only to the amount needed to secure the...

Page 17: ...Tighten screw to 5 in lbs to ensure a snug fit MountingwithDouble SidedTape You can mount your device using double sided tape Use 3M VHB or similar tape to install the device CAUTION Ifsecuringthedevi...

Page 18: ...lchargewhenconnectedtoany external powersource NOTE The backup battery is not designed for primary use WARNING The backup battery will charge when external device temperatures are within 20 50 C Outsi...

Page 19: ...pluggedin thedeviceshouldautomaticallyturnonandestablisha connection Connecting via USB You can connect via USB to connect your router to a host system or to an external device To connect using USB co...

Page 20: ...e Web UI OnthedeviceconnectedtoyourSkyus100BSeriesrouter openanywebbrowserandgoto http my skyus or http 192 168 1 1 SelectSignIn inthetop rightcornerofthescreen andenterthepasswordprintedonthe bottom...

Page 21: this router and disconnecting you from the Web UI Getting Support Documentation for your Skyus 100B Series router is available online Go to www inseego com support documentation For additional inf...

Page 22: ...BSERIESUSERGUIDE 22 Software Configuration Logging In Home Page Managing Bluetooth Sensors Managing Connected Devices Configuring GPS Managing Settings Accessing Messages ViewingInfoAbouttheRouter Get...

Page 23: ...dprintedonthelabelonthebottom of the router The Home page appears NOTE YoucansetupaseparateWi FipasswordinSettings Wi FiHotspot seeWi Fi Hotspot Tab but that is different from the Admin password which...

Page 24: ...g in you will automatically be taken to the Home page Fromanyotherpage clickontheHomeiconfromthenavigationpaneontheleftofthescreento return to the Home page Top Banner ThetopbanneroftheSkyus100BSeries...

Page 25: ...useto returntotheHomepageorjumptootherscreens Thecurrentscreenisindicatedbyabluebar Skyus Device Telephone The phone number PTN of active SIM IMEI The unique number used in LTE networks to identify th...

Page 26: ...Internet IP address assigned to the router IPv6Address TheglobalIPv6addressfortherouter blankifIPv6isturnedofforisnotsupportedby the current network connection or carrier Connected Devices This secti...

Page 27: ...dden when turned off all details are displayed when turned on Bluetooth scanning starts immediately when turnedon Available Sensors Lists all of the available Bluetooth sensors Use the Pair button to...

Page 28: ...he sensor Battery The battery charge level of the sensor Signal Strength The signal strength of the sensor UsetheEditbuttontoupdateeditabledetailsofpairedsensors suchasNameandType Use the Unpair butto...

Page 29: ...e the Connected Devices section lists all devices currently connected to your Skyus 100B Seriesrouter along withthe connectiontype theyareusing andtheir IPAddress To manage connected devices select Co...

Page 30: ...ocal IPv6 address if the connected device supports IPv6 MAC Address The MAC Address unique network identifier for this connected device Block Selectthisboxtodisconnectadeviceandpreventitfromreconnecti...

Page 31: ...esettingsonthistabtoenableordisableGPSandtoviewcurrentlocationandthecurrentstatusof your GPSconnection GPS receiver ThissettingenablesordisablestheGPSradioonyourdevice WhentheON OFFsliderisON the devi...

Page 32: ...nceafixhasbeenobtained thefollowinginformationisdisplayedandaGoogle map appears to visually indicate the current location Latitude Latitudeforthelastlocationfix Longitude Longitude for the last locati...

Page 33: Acceptableportvaluesarebetween1024and65535 Virtualportdriver GPSdataisprovidedbytheSkyus100BSeriesintheformofaNationalMarine ElectronicsAssociation NMEA textstream UsingaNMEA GPS portisastandardmet...

Page 34: ...ucansaveyourcurrentsettingsasatemplateforfutureusetobackupyourdeviceif needed The Settings page includes four tabs Wi Fi HotspotTab Device Tab Mobile NetworkTab Advanced Tab Wi Fi HotspotTab Use this...

Page 35: ...ur Wi Fi traffic and use your dataplan to access the Internet NOTE Avoid using this option Wi Fi password Key Enter a Wi Fi password Important It is critical that you change the password from the defa...

Page 36: ...ns BroadcastWi Finame SSID CheckthisboxtoallowWi FidevicesintheareatoseetheWi Finame SSID ontheirlistofavailablenetworks Ifnotselected theWi Finamewillneedtobemanually entered for devices to connect t...

Page 37: ...s tab to configure device specific settings including resetting the Admin password for your device The Device tab includes five sub tabs Admin Password Sub Tab Preferences SubTab USB Serial Sub Tab Ac...

Page 38: ...terface To clear this lock restart your Skyus device 2 Enter your current Admin password again then enter a new password and confirm it 3 Select a security question from the drop down list and type an...

Page 39: Stealth Mode Check this box to turn off the indicator LEDs on the router Enable Ethernet Port This box is checked when the Ethernet port is enabled Deselect to disable the Ethernet port on your rou...

Page 40: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 40 NumberFormat Choosetheformatfordecimalnumbers usingaperiodorcommaasthedecimal point Select your display choices and click Save Changes to update settings...

Page 41: fields unless this box is checked Port number Specify the desired port to establish the TCP connection Connection timeout Specify the amount of idle time at which the connection will be automatica...

Page 42: ...t 1 or 2 stop bits to end a packet as used by the serial device Flow control Select the option of how the packets will be controlled used by the serial device None XON XOFF Hardware Select your choice...

Page 43: ...anbe recorded accurately The wider the range the less accurate the readings will be Thedefaultvalue is 2g whichis sufficient for normal vehicles A value above 2g indicates a crash Check the Auto calib...

Page 44: the motion event is genuine Count The number of consecutive samples above the Threshold G force needed to trigger a motion event Forexample ifCountissetto100andthereare98consecutivesamplesabovetheT...

Page 45: ...o define Set Time Clear Time and Max Time NOTE Auto calibration must be enabled for the Skyus device to determine which direction is forward so that vehicle motion can be measured correctly Threshold...

Page 46: ...thethreshold Aneweventcannotbetriggereduntilthepreviouseventhas been cleared Max Time The amount of time in seconds an event can last If readings above the Threshold value persist after this amount of...

Page 47: ...swordisprintedonthebottomoftherouter IfyouhavechangedtheAdmin passwordanddon trememberit selectSignOutinthetop rightcorneroftheHomepage clickI forgottheAdminpassword andanswerthesecurityquestion Thecu...

Page 48: ...le enteryourAdminpasswordintheSkyusAdmin Password field IntheSelectafilefield clickBrowseandchooseabackupsettingsfiletorestore NOTE Youcanonly restore a file that was created for this model of Skyus r...

Page 49: Sub Tab UsethispagetomodifythecarriersettingsonyourSkyus100BSeriesrouter Youcansetupmultiple schedules for SIM usage for each SIM Cellular Data By default cellular data is turned on To turn off cel...

Page 50: ...Access PointName APN isavailable from thenetwork for example vzwinternet However if youareonaprivatenetwork youmayneedtosetacustomAPNforthenetworktocommunicatewith the Skyus device for example we01 vz...

Page 51: ...ochangetheSIM closethisdialogand select the correct SIM in the Active section above Ontime EnterthetimeyouwanttheSIMswitchedonfortheselectedday usingmilitarytime in HH MM format for example enter 08 0...

Page 52: ...een pings Number of retries The maximum number of ping retry attempts Pingretrytime The lengthof time ofping retryattempts Ping Address Primaryaddress Theaddressoftheprimaryservertoping UsethePingtest...

Page 53: ...r DNS However this page allows you to select a manual DNS To turn on Manual DNS 1 Check the Turn on Manual DNS box 2 Entertheappropriaterequiredaddress IPv4orIPv6 intheDNS1IPAddressfield Thisaddressis...

Page 54: ...0BSERIESUSERGUIDE 54 Advanced Tab Advanced settings are intended only for users with advanced technical knowledge For information about the Advanced Settings page go to Chapter 4 Advanced Settings on...

Page 55: ...service provider and cannot be replied to so no reply feature is provided Messages Countersatthetopofthescreenindicatethenumberofunread new messagesandthetotalnumber of messages Messages are listed in...

Page 56: ...ectionshowscurrentstatusinformationaboutyour router and mobile network Toviewmoredetailedinformationaboutyourrouteranditsuse selectAboutfromtheWebUIside menu The About page includes seven tabs Current...

Page 57: ...ther your router is Connected or Disconnected Network Name The cellular carrier network for example Verizon Wireless or AT T Technology The cellular technology for example LTE or 3G Time Connected The...

Page 58: ...herouter blankifIPv6isturnedofforisnotsupportedby the current network connection or carrier ViewInternet Sessions Select the View Internet Sessions button to see detailed information on internet activ...

Page 59: ...utton Data used An estimation of the amount of data used during the current reporting period Days remaining The number of days left before the current reporting period ends Lastresetdate Thedatewhenth...

Page 60: ...digitcode usedtouniquelyidentifyanindividualmobilestationonaLTEnetwork TheIMEIdoesnotchange when the SIM is changed MDN TheMDN MobileDirectoryNumber isthephonenumberassignedtotheSkyusdevice This chang...

Page 61: ...1 Wi Fi FW version The version of the firmware software currently installed for the Wi Fi component Web UI version The version number for the Web Interface PRI version The configuration version curren...

Page 62: ...17digitcode usedtouniquelyidentifyanindividualmobilestationonaLTEnetwork TheIMEIdoesnotchange when the SIM is changed IMEISV This field combines the IMEI with an approval number for this type of devic...

Page 63: ...indicate a strongersignal forexample 80dBmisastrongersignalthan 90dBm NOTE LTEsignalstrengthis typically lower than 3G signal strength SNR SNR Signal to noise ratio measures signal quality Higher val...

Page 64: ...ned NOTE Theoldest data is deleted when the log is full regardless of this setting Click Save Changes MobileNetworkLog Selectthisbuttontoviewloginformationregardingconnectionstothemobile network Syste...

Page 65: ...s area is usually blank If you check for an update the result of that check or the download progress of an update displays Check for update Click this button to manually check for available software u...

Page 66: ...ystem UpdateHistory ClicktheSystemUpdateHistorylinktoviewdetails ofthelastupdates upto20 thathavebeen downloaded and installed to this device If no updates have been installed this section will displa...

Page 67: ...upport Tab If you need Support for your Skyus 100B Series device use the Support tab to visit https www inseego com support Getting Help Select the question mark in the upper right hand corner of a pa...

Page 68: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 68 Advanced Settings Overview Firewall MAC Filter LAN Port Filtering Port Forwarding IPPT Remote Management VPN...

Page 69: ...ARNING ChangingtheAdvancedsettingsmaybeharmfultothestability performanceand security of the Skyus 100B Series router Advanced settings are available when you select Settings from the Web UI side menu...

Page 70: ...haVPN tunnel while using the Skyus 100B Series router IPv6 Transparent Mode TouseIPv6TransparentMode slidetheON OFFslidertoON Thisallowsconnecteddevicestobe accessible from the Internet DMZ IPv4 DMZal...

Page 71: ...luded in the filter from the network NOTE This device list includes all devices currently connected to the Skyus 100B Series router except those connected via Ethernet AddNewDevice Usethisbuttontoadda...

Page 72: ...h Connected Devices Block are blocked from the network even if the MAC Filter is on and the device is enabled for the MAC Filter IftheMACFilterison andadeviceisblockedwithConnectedDevices Block andisn...

Page 73: ...the correct Subnet Mask for the IP address range of the LAN IP address MAC Address read only The Media Access Controller MAC Address for the Wi Fi interface on this device The MAC address is a unique...

Page 74: ...sersshouldchangethissetting DHCPAddressRange TheIPaddressrangeusedbytheDHCPserver ToensurethataconnecteddevicewillalwaysbeallocatedthesameIPAddressbytheSkyus100B Seriesrouter clicktheReservedIPAddress...

Page 75: ...ternet Trafficisidentifiedbyportnumbers Some applications are pre defined Youcan define additional applications if you know the details of the traffic used and generated by the applications Port Filte...

Page 76: ...443 Yes Yes Assigned Telnet 23 Yes No Assigned Custom Applications You can define up to ten custom applications AddaCustomApplication Usethisbuttontoaddanewrowtothecustomapplicationlist On Checkthisbo...

Page 77: ...d the End Port Protocol Select the protocol used by the port range from the drop down list TCP UDP or both Delete Check this box to delete a custom application NOTE Click on the Port Filtering tab aga...

Page 78: ...gallowsInternetuserstoaccessanyserveryouarerunningonyourcomputer suchasa Web FTP orEmailserver Forsomeonlinegames portforwardingmustbeusedinorderforthe games to function correctly IMPORTANT Port forwa...

Page 79: port numbers and protocol information for each port forwarding application listed Application Name Port TCP STCP UDP DNS 53 Yes No Yes FTP control command FTP data transfer 21 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes As...

Page 80: ...lientdevice orsetupaDHCPreservation Port Type Select Range or Translate from the drop down list PortNumbers UsetheFromandTofieldstospecifytherangeofportnumberstobeforwarded NOTE Iftheapplicationusesas...

Page 81: ...urnonIPPassthrough ChecktheboxtoenableIPPassthrough Thiswillenablethefirstdevice detected on the specified interface to obtain the IP address assigned by the mobile network NOTE When IPPT is turned on...

Page 82: ...srouteriscommunicatingwithIoTServers DownmeansSkyus100BSeriesrouterisnot communicating with IoT Connect servers Last Report The time when your router last sent a packet to the IoT Connect servers Conf...

Page 83: via Inseego s protocol ExcludeGPS CheckthisboxifyoudonotwanttheSkyus100BSeriesroutertosendGPSinformation to the IoT Connect server Reporting interval This is the interval at which your device will...

Page 84: ...VPNconnectionmustbeestablished manually VPN Connection Connection status The status of the VPN connection Connection time The amount of time the VPN connection has been established VPN Settings SetupF...

Page 85: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 85 Accessories Included Accessories Optional Accessories Power Cable USB Cable and Adapter...

Page 86: ...nnas ANT 00007 Backup Battery 40123117 120 VAC Power Cable CBL 00005 SKU SK160NE DCR Skyus 160 LTE Gateway DC Mobile Remote Installation Accessory PN Whip Antennas ANT 00007 Backup Battery 40123117 DC...

Page 87: ...3 USB Cable 120 VAC Adapter ACC 00028 USB Cable and 120 VAC Adapter CBL 00007 PoE Power over Ethernet 30 W Injector ACC 00029 3 ft Ethernet Cable FW6829 5 ft Ethernet Cable FW6605 30 ft Ethernet Cable...

Page 88: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 88 Pin AC Power Cable DC Power and IO Cable 1 Power Power 2 Ground Ground 3 Power Tied to Power Ignition Sense 4 NA Not Pinned GPIO...

Page 89: Skyus100BSeriesdevicescanbepoweredbyUSBwhenconnectedtoapoweredhostdeviceor whenconnectedusingaUSBtoACadapter Thefollowingaresoldasanoptionalaccessory USB Cable CBL 00003 USB2 0AtoUSBMicro B 1 5m US...

Page 90: ...SERGUIDE 90 ProductSpecificationsand Regulatory Information Product Specifications Regulatory Information Wireless Communications Limited Warranty and Liability Safety Hazards Installation and Operati...

Page 91: Antennas 1xSMAforExternalGNSSAntenna Internal Wi Fi BTAntennas I O 1x Ignition Sense or Digital I O 1x Digital I O BackupBattery 4400 mAh Li ion Rechargeable Pack 12 Hours of Active Use Environment...

Page 92: ...seegoIoTConnectSecureCloudPlatform DataInterfaces 1xUSBMicro B hostordevice 1x GB RJ45Ethernet PoE in Wi Fi Bluetooth Data Rates Cat 6 LTE 300 Mbps Downlink 50 Mbps Uplink Power 5 0 25VDC 1A poweredUS...

Page 93: ...reisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined byturningtheequipmentoffa...

Page 94: ...llage est susceptible d en compromettre le fonctionnement EN Radio frequency RF Exposure Information The radiated output power of the Wireless Device is below the industry Canada IC radio frequency ex...

Page 95: ...ion Sciences et D veloppement conomique Canada du module pr c d du mot contient ou d un libell similaire exprimant le m me sens comme suit Contient IC N7NEM7455 O N7NEM7455 est le num ro de certificat...

Page 96: test samples experimental developmental reproduction sample incompleteoroutofspecification Products or VIII returned products if the original identification marks have been removed or altered Sa...

Page 97: ...ratethedevicewhileatarefuelingpointorservicestation Usersare reminded to observe restrictions onthe useofradio equipment in fueldepots fuel storage and distribution areas chemical plantsor whereblasti...


Page 99: ...SKYUS100BSERIESUSERGUIDE 102 Glossary...

Page 100: ...ancarryvideo voice anddatasimultaneously DHCP DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol Softwarefoundinserversandroutersthat automaticallyassignsIPaddressesandotherconfigurationdata tocomputers tablets printer...

Page 101: ...e See Network Operator Kbps Kilobits per second The rate of data flow LAN LocalAreaNetwork Atypeofnetworkthatletsagroupofcomputers allinclose proximity such as inside an office building communicate wi...

Page 102: ...zed Authentication Authorization and Accounting AAA or Triple A management for users who connect and use a network service Router A device that directs traffic from one network to another RP SMA Rever...

Page 103: ...peAsocket andperipheraldeviceshaveacablewithaType Aplug Peripheralsthatdonothavean attachedcablehaveasquareTypeBsocketonthedeviceandaseparatecablewithaTypeA and Type B plug Ports and connectors are av...
