Over 68ºC the operator should take protective measures and place warning notices
advising of the danger which exists if the blender is touched.
The type of protection selected should not isolate the blender entirely. It should allow for
the bearings to be cooled more efficiently and for the bearings to be lubricated.
5.5. PIPES
About the installation pipes:
- As a general rule, install the suction and discharge lines in straight sections, with the minimum
possible number of elbows and fittings to reduce any pressure losses that may be caused by
- Make sure that the blender’s ports are properly aligned with the pipework and have a diameter
similar to that of the blender connections.
- Place the blender as close as possible to the suction tank and whenever possible below the
liquid level, or even below the tank level in order to achieve the largest possible static head for
- Install support brackets for the lines as close as possible to the blender’s suction and discharge
ports to avoid vibrations and stress on the blender.
Shut-off valves
The blender may be isolated for maintenance. To accomplish this, shut-off valves must be installed
and connected to the blender’s suction and discharge connections.
For models with a cooled mechanical seal, a pressurisation tank needs to be fitted.
Always install the pressurization tank at a height of between 1 and 2 meters with respect
to the blender shaft as shown in figure
ALWAYS connect the coolant inlet to the bottom connection on the seal chamber. The
coolant will then exit through the top connection on the chamber as shown in figure
For more information on the pressurization tank (installation, performance, maintenance, etc.), refer
to the instruction manual supplied by the manufacturer.
INOXPA S.A.U. · (0) 2021/04