2: Descr pt on and Propert es
3: Techn cal Propert es
3.1: Techn cal Deta ls
nohom Home Manager SRV1710 can commun cate w th other nohom products
and manage your home w th ts w reless commun cat on property.
Power Consumpt on
Supply Voltage
15W (Max)
W -F , Ethernet, RF 433 Mhz
L nux OS
and Supply Cable
IP 20
0 - 50
Max 50
C %65
Amb ent Hum d ty
Max 2000m
Portat ve Installat on
110mm x 76mm x 30mm
EN55032:2015, EN55024:2011, EN62368-1
8 GB
1 GB
1.5 GHz 4 Core
Commun cat on
Operat ng System
Connect ons
Protect on Class
Operat ng Temperature
He ght
Relat ve Hum d ty
D mens on
Installat on
EMC Standards
Th s module manages all fundamental funct ons such as a r-cond t on ng, llum nat on,
curta n-bl nds, water ng, secur ty, energy management, and control of med a dev ces.
W th bu lt- n server, your home or office can be remotely managed on mob le dev ces
and computer when there s nternet connect on.
W th nohom Home Manager, you can ass gn d fferent tasks or funct ons to other
dev ces. Funct ons ass gned to nput and output are prov ded by nohom author sed
dealers. Th s operat on s completed by tra ned techn cal personnel n comm ss on ng