Regulat ons
Legal Warn ng
Declarat on of Conform ty
GST Elektron k Elektr k Yaz
l m Mak na Dan. San. Ve T c. Ltd. St .
Kemaloz Mah. Deg rmendere Cad. No:8/A 64100 Usak/Turkey
0090 850 811 82 83
nfo@ nohom.com
The propert es, funct onal t es and other product propert es can be changed w thout pr or
not ce. nohom reserves the r ght to rev ew or update the products, software or documents
w thout any l ab l ty to not fy any nd v duals or organ zat ons. İnohom s a trademark of
GST Elektron k Elektr k Yazılım Mak na Dan. San. ve T c. Ltd. Şt . All other brand and
product names here n are the trademarks of the r respect ve owners.
The domest c product on logo on all the products show
that themanufactur ng and software are 100% completed
n Turkey.
The company has ISO 9001 Qual ty Management, 14001
Env ronment Management, 45001 Occupat onal Health
and Safety Standards.
The dev ces tagged w th WEEE symbol shall not be d scarded w th other
domest c waste. The product should be del vered to the related collect on po nt
for waste electr c and electron c equ pment recycle.
CE mark s a free trademark only for author zed offic als and th s mark
does not conta n any property assurance.
The product box s manufactured from a recyclable mater al. Do not d scard the
package waste w th domest c or other waste and recycle package wastes.
Smart Life Solutions