page 50
innovaphone IP DECT
here. The Master section is hidden, however, if the Statistics submenu is viewed
from a configured DECT radio.
Master section:
Radio section:
Finally, the total operating time of the DECT subsystem is displayed. Administration/DECT/Users
All users configured on the IP1200 are listed here. If LDAP replication with the
innovaphone PBX was established, the DECT users configured in the PBX are also
diplayed here. It is possible to display individual, several or all users. To display
a particular user, you must enter the user’s name (
Long Name
) in the field and
Calls in
All incoming calls on the DECT master.
Calls in
All incoming calls that were put through on the DECT master.
Calls Out
All outgoing calls on the DECT master.
All handovers that took place on the DECT master. If a
mobile phone is located in the transmitting range of the DECT
master and switches to a different transmitting range (DECT
radio), a handover to the next transmitting range must take
place, so that the DECT master knows how the voice data is
to be routed.
All failed handovers in the DECT master range.
All other failed calls. An example of such an
Abnormal Call
is a mobile phone battery that has become empty.
Calls in
All incoming calls on the DECT radio.
Calls Out
All outgoing calls on the DECT radio.
All handovers initiated on the DECT radios that took place. If
a mobile phone is located in the transmitting range of a DECT
radio and leaves it, a handover to the next transmitting range
(radio or master) must take place, so that the DECT master
knows where the voice data is to be transmitted to.
All handovers initiated on the DECT radios that failed.