2. If your dog runs through the flags to chase the toy, wait for the startled response and pull your
dog back into the safe area. Praise and reward your dog.
3. Reinforce training by shaking a flag. Say "bad flag" with a disapproving tone. Consider increasing
the signal field area. If you choose to increase the signal field area, remove the collar from your dog,
increase the signal field, and retest. Refer to Section 1, Step 11, Adjust the Signal Field.
4. Repeat this exercise in other locations of the yard.
5. Praise your dog when it avoids the flags. Stay positive and playful during the training session.
6. When your dog refuses to run through the flags 20 consecutive times, proceed to the next step.
1. Follow the instructions in Step 3, On-Leash Proofing except drop the leash on the ground. It will
be available if you need to retrieve your dog.
2. If your dog gets through the signal field during this phase, quickly remove the collar. Bring your
dog back into the safe area. Put the collar back on your dog. Reinforce "bad flag" training. Praise
and reward your dog.
3. Repeat this off-leash training until you are confident that your dog will ignore temptations outside
the containment area.
Your system requires very little maintenance. The battery-operated collar receiver is water resistant
and should not be immersed in any liquid. This will cause damage not covered under the manufac-
turer’s warranty. The rechargeable collar is waterproof and will continue to function after being sub-
merged in water.To remove dirt, simply wipe with soap and water. Never place the collar in a dish-
The wall transmitter is not waterproof and must be protected from the weather. A close lightning
strike may damage the unit. Unplug the transmitter and disconnect the wires during storms.
Do not attempt to dismantle or repair any of the system components; this will void the manufactur-
er’s warranty. These components contain computerized circuitry that should be serviced only by an
authorized expert.
Test the system once a week to make sure the collar receiver is working properly. Also, testing the
system will verify the field width setting is correct. To test, attach the supplied test light to the collar
receiver probes. Holding the receiver by the case, NOT by the probes, walk into the signal field.
Listen for the warning tone to sound and the test light to illuminate.
Every six months, the collar receiver should be allowed to discharge fully and then be recharged. To
discharge the receiver, turn the system on and place the collar receiver with the test light attached
in the signal field. When the receiver stops emitting a tone and illuminating the test light, it is fully
discharged. Always use the test light when discharging the collar receiver. Failure to do so can per-
manently damage the collar receiver.