To get the most out of your containment system when training, keep these tips in mind:
•To prevent accidental correction inside the home, remove the collar from the dog’s neck when it
comes inside.
• Always make sure the collar is functioning properly BEFORE putting it on the dog. Verify the sys-
tem is operating properly and the field width is appropriate as described in Section 1, Step 11,
Adjust the Signal Field Width.
• Stay positive and playful during the training session.
• Keep training sessions brief. Never continue a session after your dog has lost interest. Take a
break to rest or play.
• ALWAYS praise your dog for good behavior.
The following steps outline a successful training plan:
1. Turn the wall transmitter “off” so no corrections will be given to your dog.
2. Place the collar receiver on your dog.
3. Place a long leash on your dog. Play with your dog in the safe area of the yard for 2-4 minutes.
Do not allow your dog to run free or cross the flag lines.
4. Walk towards the flags. Reach down and shake a flag. Say "bad flag" in a disapproving tone.
5. Return to the center part of the yard and play with your dog. Reward with treats.
6. Repeat this exercise several times in various locations of the yard.
1. You need to reset the signal field width before placing the collar receiver on your dog. Follow the
instructions outlined in Section 1, Step 11, Adjust the Signal Field Width.
2. Place the collar receiver on your dog in the safe area of the yard.
3. Place a long leash on your dog. Play with the dog in the safe area of the yard.
4. Walk towards the flags. If your dog tries to avoid the flags, praise and reassure your dog.
5. Repeat this step in other locations of the yard.
6. Allow no more than three corrections in a day or seven in a week. This depends on your dog’s
stress tolerance. Most dogs only receive a few corrections during the training phase; they respond
to tone very quickly.
7. Reward your dog when it avoids the flags, even if a correction is issued.
8. Play in the safe zone with your dog before ending this training session.
1. With the collar on your dog and the wall transmitter “on”, play with your dog (on leash) in the
safe area. After a few minutes of play, toss a toy or treat through the flags.