Your CS-1600E allows you to administer:
• Stimulation with tone; or
• Stimulation with no tone; or
• Stimulation after a 1.5-second warning tone
In the following procedure, reference this table of tone settings. Press one of the buttons
in the center column:
• GREEN – Stimulation with tone
• YELLOW – Stimulation with no tone
• RED – Stimulation after tone and a 1.5-second delay
Note the light on the transmitter will change color to match your selection.
Button 1 in DOG 1 column
Button # 1 = Level 1 stimulation (minimum)
Button # 2 = Level 2 stimulation (low)
Button # 3 = Level 3 stimulation (low medium)
Button # 4 = Level 7 stimulation (maximum)
Button 2 in DOG 1 column
Button # 1 = Level 2 stimulation (low)
Button # 2 = Level 3 stimulation (low medium)
Button # 3 = Level 4 stimulation (medium)
Button # 4 = Level 7 stimulation (maximum)
Button 3 in DOG 1 column
Button # 1 = Level 3 stimulation (low medium)
Button # 2 = Level 4 stimulation (medium)
Button # 3 = Level 5 stimulation (medium high)
Button # 4 = Level 7 stimulation (maximum)
Button 4 in DOG 1 column
Button # 1 = Level 4 stimulation (medium)
Button # 2 = Level 5 stimulation (medium high)
Button # 3 = Level 6 stimulation (high)
Button # 4 = Level 7 stimulation (maximum)
In all patterns, Button #4 delivers the maximum level of stimulation (Level 7).
To prevent accidental stimulation, you must quickly press Button #4
If you press this button when
programming stimulation level
The buttons in the DOG 1 column will
be set for these stimulation levels
english(eng).qxp 10/27/2005 11:39 AM Page ENG-6