iSYS-4001 |
quick start guide
- Experience and Reliability in Radar-Technology
detection fields
Providing the width of the antenna in degrees just says, that the transmitted or received energy has dropped at this
point down to 50 percent of the maximum value (3dB-beamwidth). It does definitely not mean that beyond that point no
transmission or reception is possible.
On the right side you see some examples of different detection fields depending on the mounting height and based on the
3dB-antenna-parameters of the iSYS-4001.
The color gradient shows the energy density of the antenna field. The darker the red the higher is the energy density of the
antenna. That means that a small object (e.g. a cat) will be detected later than the border of the ellipse shows, whereat big
objects (e.g. a car) are detected sooner. This is depending on the RCS of the object and is described in the next section.