Variable Wattage Mode (VW)
VW mode „W“ supports atomizer coils in a resistance range between 0�05 ohms and 3�0 ohms� Depending on head
used, the power can be between 1 watts and 100 watts in VW mode�
TCR mode (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance)
In TCR mode (M1, M2, M3), the device supports heads with coils made of nickel (Ni200), titanium (Ti), nickel-iron
(NiFe), and stainless steel (SS303-317), with resistances between 0�05 and 1�5 ohms� In TCR mode, depending on
the atomizer head used, the temperature can be between 100 and 315°C or between 200 and 600°F� This mode
allows you to select different temperature coefficients for the wire or to operate it with different TCR settings�
Please note that you must determine the resistance of the atomizer head you are using before using it for
the first time in TC/TCR mode.
Bypass Mode
Bypass mode is a direct output mode in relation to voltage� A resistance range of 0�05 to 3�0 ohms is possible in this
setting to ensure error-free use� The output power is regulated automatically in relation to the current battery status�
Temperature Control Mode (TC)
In TC modes Ni, Ti and SS, the device supports atomizer coils with nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti) and stainless steel (SS)
windings, with resistances between 0�05 ohms and 1�5 ohms� The temperature can be between 100°C and 315°C
(200°C and 600°F) in the TC Mode, depending on the atomizer head used�