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1.  If the blade “walks” off the front of the upper wheel

: Tilt the top of the upper 

wheel backward by turning the nylon tilt adjustment screw to the right (clockwise). 
Make 1/2 turn adjustments and test the effect on tracking by hand turning the lower 
wheel. Repeat as necessary until the blade remains in the correct position.

2.  If the blade “walks” to the back of the upper wheel

: Tilt the top of the upper wheel 

forward by turning the nylon tilt adjustment screw to the left (counter-clockwise). 
Make 1/2 turn adjustments and test the effect on tracking by hand turning the lower 
wheel. Repeat as necessary until the blade remains in the correct position.

3.  If the blade “walks” off the lower wheel

: This indicates that the upper and lower 

wheels are not in alignment with each other. The lower (


 xed) wheel is closer to the 

back of the frame than the upper (adjustable) wheel.  The lower wheel should be 1/2” 
from the inside of the frame. You can check this with a ruler or scale.  The lower 
wheel can be moved in or out by inserting the 5/64” long arm Allen wrench through 
the hole in the lower left side of the saw’s frame and loosening the set screw on the 
brass arbor. Move the wheel to the correct position, check with the ruler or scale, and 
secure the set screw.

Blade Tension

Proper blade tension is important for cutting ease and obtaining maximum blade life. The 
tension springs lessen the stress that twists and pulls put on the blade to maximize blade life. 
All Inland saws have tension springs preset for a blade 37.7" in circumference (+ or - .005") - 
the exact dimension of Inland brand blades. If you use an Inland blade you should never have 
problems with tension. Some competitors make blades that are only 37.2" and so will  have 
too much tension on them which could shorten blade life. 

We highly recommend the use of 

Inland brand blades for all Inland brand saws.

 We are the only saw manufacturer that manufactures its own diamond products making our 

diamond blades signi


 cantly less expensive and designed to give you the best performance. 
