Maintenance Service
The Maintenance Service screen shows the accumulated Heat and Cool
Runtime hours as well as the Service Interval that will be used to trigger
a Maintenance Message. Any HEAT or COOL type of HVAC operation will
cause the respective Runtime values to increase.
When the combined HEAT and COOL Runtime hours equals the Service
Interval hours, a “Maint” message to remind you your HVAC system may
require periodic maintenance. Press the
button to enter the Filter
Service screen. The Reset button can be pressed and the HEAT and COOL
Runtime values will be reset to zero.
Maintenance Service Interval
1. Press the
2. Scroll to
User Settings
and press the
3. Scroll to
Maint Service
and press the
4. Make a choice from the options A-B
A. Change the Maintenance Service Interval
5. Press the plus (
) or minus (
) buttons to adjust the service interval.
The service interval can be set between 200 and 4000 hours in 100 hour increments.
B. Disable the Maintenance Service Interval
When the maintenance service interval is disabled, the runtime counter will continue to count the runtime, but the maintenance service
indicator will never be displayed.
6. Press the minus (
) button until
is displayed
Screen Timeout
This is the time before any screen reverts to the Minimized Screen
(temperature display only), after you stop pushing buttons. Minimized
Screen feature is disabled by setting this time to “0”.
Screen Timeout
1. Press the
2. Scroll to
User Settings
and press the
3. Scroll to
Screen Timeout
4. Make choice from the options A-B.
A. Change the Screen Timeout
5. Press the plus (
) or minus (
) buttons to adjust the time (in seconds).
The screen time-out can be set between 0 and 120 seconds.
Zero (0) is the default setting. When set to Zero (0), the
minimized screen feature is disabled.
B. Disable the Minimized Display
6. Press the minus (
) button until zero (0) is displayed.
RH% Setpoint
RH% Setpoint
Default Range
50% 40-70%
This is a user selectable value for when enhanced dehumidification or smart continuous fan is enabled. See Dehumidification options in
Installer Settings.
Balance Point
Balance Point
Default Range
40 F
5-70 F
This is a user selectable value for when dual fuel “Restricted” mode is enabled. The temperature selected is the compressor lockout
temperature. When the outdoor temperature is above this setpoint, only the heat pump will run for heating. When the outdoor temperature is
below this setpoint, only the furnace will run for heating.
Maintenance Service
Heat Runtime
200 HRS
Cool Runtime
300 HRS
Service Interval
3000 HRS
User Settings
Set Clock
Filter Service
Maint Service
Screen Timeout 0