Copyrights and Trademarks
Notice of Copyright
Telecommunication Technologies LTD.
All rights
reserved. The Information contained herein is the
property of Telecommunication Technologies LTD
(the Company). Not any part hereof can be copied,
reprinted, transferred, retyped, saved in search en-
gine, modified or translated into any other language,
including computer one, nor sublicensed in any way,
whether electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical,
chemical, manual or other one, without prior written
consent by the Company Manager responsible for
the Product. Any Illegal use of the materials con-
tained herein, by any person, will lead the person to
the responsibility for the Company’s damages.
Software Use Agreement
IMPORTANT - read carefully: when using the Software
with your device, you agree thereby with every clauses
of the Software Use Agreement. If you do not agree
with the terms and conditions of the Software Use
Agreement, you should immediately stop using the de-
vice and return it to your services provider completely.
License provision. Limitations
According to this Agreement, Telecommunication
Technologies LTD and your services provider are jointly
to provide you with non-exclusive and non- transferrable
license, without the right to sublicense, for use of all
software and documents with the product only. You
recognize and acknowledge that Telecommunication
Technologies LTD and your services’ provider may
regularly renew, change or extend the product software
abilities. You confirm that:
a) You will not take attempts to change, extend, or
decompile, disassembly, or redesign, nor otherwise get
access to the software source code.
b) You will not take attempts to delete or upload the
product software. Any sale or transfer of the product will
be ruled hereby.
The Manufacturer and the Manufacturer’s own licensors
keep all the rights constituting ownership, Including
patent, copyright trademark, and other Intel factual
property for the Software; and any Improvement and
modification of the Software. You recognize and
acknowledge that the license according hereof does not
grant you ownership for the Software but only restricted
right of use It according to provisions of this Agreement.
Warranty for the Software
To the maximum extent according to applicable law, the