3. Management with Web browser software
• Using the HALF-DUPLEX method, the projector can send out a
maximum of 254 bytes at once.
• If you do not need to monitor the response data from an external device and
the RESPONSE LIMIT TIME is set to OFF, the projector can receive the data
from the computer and send it out to an external device continuously.
OFF is the default setting.
• If the computer controls are set to synchronize transmitting and
receiving of the data, it may not be able to control an external device well
depending on the processing status of the projector.
This method lets the projector communicate both ways, transmitting and receiving
data simultaneously, without monitoring response data from an external device.
Using this method, the computer and an external device will send data without
synchronization. If the information must be synchronized, set the computer to
Control cable
External device
T (: bytes interval timeout) < t
LAN cable