7. ASCII Commands
The product also supports ASCII command control. Connect the RS-232 port
of the product to a PC with a 3-pin phoenix connector cable. Then, open a
Serial Command tool on PC to send ASCII commands to control the product.
The ASCII command list about the product is shown as below.
ASCII Commands
Serial port protocol. Baud rate: 115200, Data bits: 8bit, Stop bits:1, Check bit: 0
x - Parameter 1
y - Parameter 2
! - Delimiter
Command Code
Function Description
Default Setting
s power z!
Power on/off the device,z=0~1
(z=0 power off, z=1 power on)
Power on
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
FW version x.xx.xx
r power!
Get current power state
power on/power off
s reboot!
Reboot the device
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
FW version x.xx.xx
List all commands
r type!
Get device model
r status!
Get device current status
Get the unit all status:
in/out connection,
edid mode
power on
System Setup
s power 1!
r power!
s reboot!
r type!
r status!
r link in!
Get the connection status of
the input port
r link out y!
Get the connection status of
the y output port
1~4=HDBT 1~4
5 = loop out)
hdmi loop out:
hdbt output 1: connect
HDMI IN: connect
s reset!
Reset to factory defaults
Reset to factory
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
FW version x.xx.xx
r fw version!
Get Firmware version
MCU BOOT: Vx.xx.xx
MCU APP: Vx.xx.xx
r link in!
r link out 1!
s reset!
r fw version!