Press power button and hold on 3s, the status indicator LED will be
blue and flashing, use USB cable to connect M400 with target PC, then
Press Wireless Pair mode button and hold on 3s, the status indicator
LED will flash, then M400 is in the Wireless pair mode, connect up to
2 smartphones to use.
Among all connections, 2 Bluetooth and 1 USB, the speaker will sound
the audio which is sent to the speaker first.
Daisy chain mode
Power on 2 M400s
then connect two devices with Daisy chain cable.
connect one of 2 M400s to your smartphones in wireless mode or
connect to your PC in USB mode
Expand the pickup and playback
distance to get more conference space.
When you use it in daisy chain mode, your phone or PC only needs to connect to
one of two devices.