User Manual
TriBoard TC3X9 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X9 V2.0
TriBoard Manual TC3X9
Hardware: TriBoard TC3X9 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X9 V2.0
We congratulate you on your purchase of the TriCore Evaluation Board. This kit is a versatile tool, providing quick
access to the capabilities of TriCore's powerful architecture.
Applications can be developed easily. The Evaluation Board is equipped with a variety of memories and
peripherals for connection to the environment. There is also an interface for the On Chip Debugging Features
(OCDS1 and DAP).
The Evaluation Board allows easily the development of TriCore applications with the corresponding tools.
Subsequently, the applications can be downloaded and can be tested with the powerful debugger software.
This TriBoard Hardware Manual familiarizes you with the TriCore Evaluation Board and guides you through the
initial configuration of the TriBoard.
For detailed technical information about the TC3X9 (e.g. TC399, TC389) please refer to the User Manual of the
used device.