User Manual
TriBoard TC3X9 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X9 V2.0
TriBoard Manual TC3X9
Hardware: TriBoard TC3X9 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X9 V2.0
TriBoard Information
Debug System
The OCDS1 signals are connected to the IDC16 plug (X401). They work with the port supply of Microcontroller (+5V
default or +3,3V). For pinout of the connector see
Figure 6-11
. You can connect any debugger to this connector.
The signals /BRKIN and /BRKOUT are not connected per default. If you need this signals in the connector then
assemble R424 and R425 or R426 with a 0R resistor.
If you connect a debug hardware make sure that the miniWiggler JDS (see
“miniWiggler JDS” on Page 3-4
) is not
activ (ACTIV LED is off) and on the DAP connector (X402) is no hardware connected or the hardware is tristated.
If the ACTIV LED is on, then stop the active DAS Server ’UDAS’ and/or remove the USB connection to the PC.
In case that R217, R218 and R219 are assembled instead of R214, R215 and R216 then the connector can be used
only for DAP connection to DAPE. If R214 up to R219 not assembled then the connector is not usable.
The board comes with a DAP connector (X402). For pinout of this connector see
Figure 6-12
. You can connect a
DAP hardware here. If you use this connector make sure that the miniWiggler JDS is not activ (ACTIV LED is off)
and a connected OCDS1 hardware is disconnected or tristated.
DAPE (only Emulation Device)
The board comes also with another DAP connector (X403) which is connected to DAPE in case that an emulation
device is used. For pinout of this connector see
Figure 6-12
. You can connect a DAP hardware here. In case that
R217, R218 and R219 are assembled (on board miniwiggler connected to DAPE, no default) then make sure that
the miniWiggler JDS is not activ (ACTIV LED is off) and a connected OCDS1 hardware is disconnected or tristated.
Additional DAP connector (X406) is connected to DAP_SCR. This DAP can be used as private DAP connection to
the standby controller. For pinout of this connector see
Figure 6-12
. You can connect a DAP hardware here. This
DAP use P33.6 and P33.7 which are connected to LED on the board. Maybe it is necessary to remove R393 and
R394 if the speed of the connection is not fast enough.
High speed with DAP/DAPE
For use the DAP connection with 160 MHz you need to remove 3 resistors to have a very short connection between
device and connector. On the TC3X9 Triboard this 3 resistors are R214, R215 and R216 for DAP or R217, R218 and
R219 for DAPE (red marked in
Figure 3-5
Figure 3-6
). This resistors needs to be removed.
Important: When the resistors are removed then only the DAP and DAPE connector on the board can be used. The
on board wiggler and the OCDS1 connector couldn’t be use (are disconnected) in this case, also the DAP/JTAG
part of AGBT connector and the ETK connector couldn’t be used.
All resistors are red marked in the following figures.