FM4 S6E2CC Series External Memory Programmer
Document No. 002-04471 Rev. *B
Operation Process
SWD Programming Process
The user can program the target board through SWD communication interface. The operation steps are as follows:
Prepare the downloading files
The user can prepare at most 5 files to download and copy to the SD card.
2. Write the program.ini file
Please follow the 2.2 Configuration file format and copy to the SD card.
3. Hardware connection and setting
Power and jumper setting
USB (5V) power input
J1: Close
J2: Left
J3: Left
J4: Open
J5: Open
J7: Close
Battery (4.5V) power input
J1: Close
J2: Right
J3: Left
J4: Open
J5: Open
J7: Close
Communication line (SWD) connection
SWD1 (pin number):
Pin 2 (Universal PGM)
GND (Target Board)
Pin 7 (Universal PGM)
SWDIO (Target Board)
Pin 9 (Universal PGM)
SWDCLK (Target Board)
Pin 19 (Universal PGM)
Vcc (Target Board)
SWD 2 (pin function):
GND (Universal PGM)
GND (Target Board)
TMS (Universal PGM)
SWDIO (Target Board)
TCK (Universal PGM)
SWDCLK (Target Board)
VCC (Universal PGM)
Vcc (Target Board)