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5 kW two-channel interleaved CCM PFC EVAL board
IKW40N65WR5, IDW60C65D1 and 1ED44175 in high frequency PFC application
The board at a glance
Figure 2
Principles of operation for the two-channel interleaved PFC
Block diagram of the EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS
As we know, reduction the size of power converters by increasing switching frequency and reducing magnetic
component size is a goal that has been pursued for decades. This is especially true when using IGBTs in a
switching mode power supply.Higher switching frequency, means smaller size and lower cost. A high
performance IGBT is the key component in helping customers to gain a bigger market share. Fortunately,
WR5 IGBT is specifically optimized for full-rated hard-switching applications with an excellent
price/performance ratio, and is recommended for use in AC-DC PFC stage for cost-sensitive applications. The
EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS is an evaluation board for demonstrating the switching pe
rformance of TRENCHSTOP™
5 WR5 IGBT IKW40N65WR5 with high switching frequencies up to 60 kHz in interleaved PFC application.
The block diagram of EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS is depicted in Figure 3, which shows the high-performance analogy
controller UCC28070, TRENCHSTO
P™ 5
IGBT IKW40N65WR5, low side gate driver 1ED44175 and rapid1 power
silicon diode IDW60C65D1.
This reference design includes:
Two-channel boost converters
speed 650 V, 40 A reverse conducting TRENCHSTOP™ 5 WR5 IGBT in TO
-247 package
Gate driver ICs for WR5 IGBTs
Rapid1 power silicon diode for boost rectification
Loss-free current monitering for switching current
15 V auxiliary power supply
Connectors for easy setup