User guide
Please read the Important notice and the Safety precautions and the Warnings
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5 kW two-channel interleaved CCM PFC EVAL
IKW40N65WR5, IDW60C65D1 and 1ED44175 in high frequency PFC
About this document
Scope and purpose
This user manual provides an overview of the reference design developed for the EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS board,
including its main features, key data, and mechanical dimensions.
EVAL-PFC5KIKWWR5SYS is a fast switching, analog-controlled two-channel interleaved 5 KW PFC converter with
IKW40N65WR5. It is designed to show case the use of WR5 IGBT with high
switching frequencies up to 60 kHz in an interleaved PFC application, which enables many system benefits such
as smaller size PFC choke, overall system size and BOM cost. This document also demonstrates a very effective
example of design with Infineon’s low side gate driver 1ED44175 and
rapid1 power silicon diode IDW60C65D1.
The evaluation board has a flexible input AC voltage between 180-264 V, and provides a 400 V output voltage
with maximum current up to 12.5 A. This document provides suggestions on how to develop interleaved PFC
converters in similar power ranges adapted to specific requirments, such as high-power SMPS, floor-standing
air conditioners in major home appliances.
Intended audience
This user guide is intended for all technical specialists who are familiar with high-speed AC-DC power stage
design and high-power interleaved PFC converters. The reference design is intended to be used under laboratory
conditions and only by trained specialists.
Evaluation Board
This board will be used during design in, for evaluation and measurement of characteristics, and proof of data
sheet specifications.
PCB and auxiliary circuits are NOT optimized for final customer design.
Boards do not necessarily meet safety, EMI, quality standards (for example UL, CE) requirements.