Document Number: 002-10634 Rev. *J
245 of 307
S6J3350 Series
This section describes the errata for the S6J3350 Series. Details include errata trigger conditions, scope of impact, available
workarounds, and silicon revision applicability. Contact your local Cypress Sales Representative if you have questions.
Part Numbers Affected
S6J335 Qualification Status
Product Status: Production
Errata Summary
The following table defines the errata applicability to available S6J3350 Series devices.
Part Number
Fix Status
MCAN wrong message transmission
Not be planned.
1. MCAN wrong message transmission
■ Problem Definition
There is a possibility a message with an ID (arbitration field) and a format and DLC (control field) is transmitted which was
not configured by the application. The message itself is syntactically correct and can be received by other nodes.
The occurrence of the limitation requires a certain relationship in time between a transmission request for sending a
message and the coincidence of noise in the 3rd bit of intermission field which is treated as the start of new message
transmission (SoF).
■ Trigger Condition
Under the following conditions a message with wrong ID, format and DLC is transmitted:
M_CAN is in state "Receiver" (PSR.ACT = "10"), no pending transmission.
A new transmission is requested after sample point of 2nd bit of intermission but before the 3rd bit of
Intermission is reached.
The CAN bus is sampled dominant at the third bit of Intermission which is treated as SoF (see ISO11898-1:2015
■ Scope of Impact
Under the conditions listed above it may happen, that:
The shift register is not loaded with ID, format, and DLC of the requested message.
The M_CAN will start arbitration with wrong ID, format, and DLC.
In case the ID won arbitration, a CAN message with valid CRC is transmitted.
In case this message is acknowledged, the ID stored in the Tx Event FIFO is the ID of the requested Tx
message and not the ID of the message transmitted on the CAN bus
Neither an error is detected by the transmitting node nor at the receiving node.
Part Number